⭐️ messenger convos- 5 ⭐️

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private conversation between lydia and ivan

lydia: annyeonghaseyooo

ivan: privet

lydia: so
how are you doing owo

ivan: i'm doing well da~ :-)
oh and
natalya is peeking through my door rn

lydia: o

ivan: she's creeping the fuck out of me istg
oh god
she's still bringing that knife around

lydia: well
r.i.p. me

ivan: i want to talk with you more but
this girl

lydia: same
but i understand
that your sister doesn't like me

ivan: does this girl even like anyone asides from me

lydia: who knows
try asking her

ivan: whelp okay
anyway, i'll see you later
it was nice talking to you, lydia

lydia: the feeling is mutual 😊
bye, ivan
i hope there will be a chance for us someday, that your sister won't have to bother us [message not sent]


private conversation between jiyeon and emil

jiyeon: hELLO!1!1!1!

emil: hello
if it isn't you, the girl who i sometimes see snorting cocaine

jiyeon: nyeheheheh
yes that's me

emil: i've noticed you staring at me

jiyeon: are you even aware of my feelings for you [message not sent]

emil: you're weird
i like that about you [message not sent]

jiyeon: w h a t
but ok
if you say so
i'm taking that as a compliment (;

emil: hahahahah [message not sent]
oh god lukas is calling for me
see you tomorrow at school
curse my brother for disturbing me
i wish i could have talked to you more [message not sent]

jiyeon: oke

emil: what

jiyeon: nothing

emil: ok


private conversation between minerva and feliciano

feliciano: ciao bella

minerva: lol
is this because i look like kristen stewart

feliciano: maybe
but you really are beautiful

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