6. Watch your words young lady!

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Marco POV

With a big buquet in my hands I was going down the corridor. Erik as usually did good and when I woke in the morning the flowers were already waiting in the kitchen. One of the nurses told me where was the room I was looking. I grimaced inhaling the chemical scent of the hospital. I hated that so much.

The door of the room were slightly opened and when I was about to knock I heard a conversation inside, so my hand froze. Listening to someone's conversation is not very elegant but somehow I was not able to stop.

And how is Hanna? - Mrs. Braun asked - she told me that she is more than fine, but I know that kid and she would never admit having any problems.

Oh Auntie, she is not a kid anymore - a young woman giggled - she will be 25 in two months!

Well, so the cleaning lady is only three years younger than me. I thought, but frankly speaking I didn't know why a thing like that should bring any interest in me.

I know, I know. But you two will always be my two little girs - Mrs. Braun sighed. I smirked, cause she always was so nice caring - even for me. - So how is she?

Well... for now she is ok. She is working a lot as usually and yesterday... how to say it - the young women stuttered.

Let me guess. You told her a few words too much and she got offended? - Mrs. Mia asked irritated.

Yeah - the young one answered.

What this time Maria? - my housekeeper said in a loud voice.

We were talking about Emma... - Maria stuttered.

She gave up everything for that child and you, especially you, should never annoy her in any topic even slightly touching that little girl - Mrs. Mia sighed. Wait a baby? What baby?

I know... but she is just grumpy lately. She should go on a date or simply get laid - Maria said.

Watch your words young lady! - expressed the older one.

Oh do not be such a prude Auntie! - the young girl chuckled - i just thought that now, while she is substituting you... well maybe she could have some fun with that rich employer of yours...

I felt my tension rising. What the fuck? How could anybody suppose that I was a possible adventure for a cleaning lady? I got so angry that I was about to leave the place when I bumped into the nurse who asked me loudly while opening the door to Mrs. Mia's room.

How can I help you? Are you looking for someone, sir? - elderly nurse asked me politely. And when I was to shook my head I looked straight at curious eyes of my housekeeper and a young blonde girl.

Mr. Reus? - Mrs. Braun smiled at me shyly. I nodded and entered the room.

Hello, Mrs. Mia... - I tried to respond with a smile - I heard that you had accident. I am sorry for not coming earlier. I was just extremely busy - good lie Marco, you've just didn't care to find out and you threw out the notice - These are for you.

Thank you! - she smiled widely while I gave her the bouquet - you shouldn't have! They are beautiful! - she was so genuinely happy that it almost melted my heart - oh, I am so sorry for being so impolite. Please sit! - she pointed at the chair next to the bed - This is Maria Bremer, she is like a daughter to me - I looked at the girl that started to pack her stuff but before she reached her hand to me. I took it hesitantly cause I was still irritated by the words she's said before.

Marco Reus - i introduced myself - Pleasure.

I quickly took back my hand and sat on the chair.

So, I will be going Auntie - the blonde one said kissing Mrs. Braun's - It was nice to finally meet you - she said looking at me.

Likewise - i answered not very convinced. She smiled and quickly went outside. I looked at Mrs. Mia who grabbed my hand. I was not at all touchy with people so it felt awkward at first but then I got some kind of comforting sensation.

How are you? - I smiled and she chuckled.

Well, I am good. I am just taking my time and relaxing - she pointed at her hospital bed and smiled wildly. She looked exactly like the aunt that will bake you a cake in the middle of the night if you needed that. She had short grey hair and round glasses that covered only slightly her wrinkles from laughing. - It is really good to see you, but you look quite different...

I raised my eyebrows but then I examined myself and chuckled a little realizing that I had simple skinny black jeans and a hoodie.

Well, you always see me in a suit or in a shirt, so that probably is an interesting sight - I answered.

You look like a young guy and not like a workaholic businessman - she said but then quickly covered her mouth with her hand - I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that, sir.

Marco - I said - you've been working for me so long that there is no need to be so official - I was stunned by being so open towards her, cause normally I was rather distant to people - and you are right about the clothes.

She smiled at me thankfully.

And how is my girl doing? - she asked and that reminded me about the suggestion of Maria of her having some fun with me, what immediately changed my mood.

Fine - I answered clenching my jaw and I saw a worried spark in Mrs. Mia's eyes.

Is everything ok? - she questioned.

Yes, I just reminded myself that I have an important appointment - I said standing up - I am sorry, please get well soon.

Well hello
Our mr. Anonymous finally gets the name. Is he as bad as he appeared to be? Or is it him being "a human" just a simple pose?

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