9. There is no tea at that house

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Hanna's POV

If a week was supposed to be exactly as its beginning, that my week is gonna to be crappy as hell. My alarm didn't rang, I slipped under the shower and I didn't check the weather forecast. Thanks to that I was now speeding on my bike through the streets being completely... soaked. That's right. I was so wet that I probably looked like I was swimming for hours, fully dressed. When I finally reached the enormous house of Mr. Grumpy, as I started to name him in my mind after his Friday's performance, and I sighed in relief. He was not there to complain, and well I could use an opportunity to dry myself somehow.

So I left my soaked shoes next to the entrance and with small steps I went to the bathroom. I choose the one for guests because I was sure that he was not using it and thanks to that he would not notice that I took a shower there. I undressed myself quickly and opened the tap with hot water. At first my body went through shock but after a while it got accustomed and I felt like a freezing cold from my skin and bones was gone. When I went out of the shower I wiped myself with a big fluffy towel. It was probably as expensive as my whole apartment, cause my body was never touched by something so soft. I sighed realizing that my clothes including the underwear were still wet so I wrapped the towel tightly around me and went to the basement where there was a drying machine. I left my clothes there, set up the 15-minutes program and went upstairs to make myself a cup of something warm. I needed to prevent myself from catching any ugly cold, cause sneezing and coughing there would be no way for me to work.

As I entered the kitchen I saw a big envelope on the counter but I thought that it was just something belonging to Mr.Grumpy so I ignored that. When the water was ready I took a mug from the shelf and started preparing a hot beverage when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I froze, so that was exactly my last day of work. How embarassing. I turned with my gaze looking down preparing some explanation in my head, when I heard someone's chuckle. I looked up to see a young guy, probably my age leaning on the counter and trying to contain himself from laughing. He had messy dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was just as elegant as the owner of the house but he was not as immaculate.

I knew that you'd be in here but I didn't suppose that you'd feel so at home in here - he chuckled and smiled at her. He looked as a very nice guy - Marco told me that there is a new maid for some time -he explained realizing that I had no idea who he was - I am Erik, Marco's assistant - guy smiled. - Normally I'd shook your hand, but well I am afraid that this interesting outfit would fall off if you stop holding it - he winked and I blushed.

My name is Hanna... and I am normally not so comfortable in here... - I looked at him apologizing - It is just I came here today by bike.. And I got totally soaked - I sighed and he grimaced.

But it was raining cats and dogs like for an hour didn't you see that going out from home? - he asked. That was getting quite uncomfortable.

Well... I live far away from here - I spoke shyly.

Oh, ok. I am sorry then - Erik smiled at me warmly. - I think the dryer is done. Go I'll fix you a something.

I quickly ran downstairs and put on my clothes. I was still feeling so embarassed but at least the guy was ice. I would rather not even try imagining what could've happened if it was not him but... Marco. Well that name was a little bit too romantic for such a cold guy, so that made me giggle.

Erik greated me handing me a cup of hot water with lemon and honey.

I made you this - he said - I hope it is ok, but there is no tea at that house. Marco hates it. - he chuckled and I thought that at least there was one thing that we had in common. Tea was one of my biggest enemies.

Thank you - I smiled - So what are you doing here Erik?

Well... - he smiled - Marco asked me to come here and make sure that you read the message he left you - Erik said and pointed at the big envelope and only then I realized that it had my name written on with extremely meticulous handwritting - and to take some folders from his office. But there is nothing interesting in that for you - he winked. Erik stood up and smiled - I'd better be going cause the lord - he chuckled - doesn't like to wait. It was really nice to meet you... even if the situation was funny as hell.

I blushed but his words made me smile.

It was nice to meet you too Erik - I said - I hope that we will meet once in a while.

Of course we will Hanna - Erik smiled and after grabbing some folders went to the door.

I finished my beverage quickly and decided to start cleaning. The big envelope was making me curious but as I thought it would contain something unpleasant it would be better for me to read it after finishing work. I knew myself well and I was sure that in bad mood I would do everything in a crappy way so I just decided to destroy my mood later.

After few hours I finished and with a loud sigh I sat down on a stool next to the counter. The envelope was still there.

Ok Mr. Grumpy. Let's go - I took a deep breath and opened it.


I know that we have to coexist with each other for the next few months, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were not the biggest fan of that after our last meeting.  The situation is as it is and it is not the easiest one for me either. But we have to make it work so please follow the instructions that I am listing at the other side of that paper.
Since you'll be here nearly each day let's make it our way off communication.

Marco Reus

I stared at the letter for a little while. Well at least I wasn't fired and he was not a total douche. I looked at the other side and the list was quite ordinary but I giggled at the last point.

I know it is totally not your duty, but if you could arrange a small cake for me each Friday it would make my weekends easier.

Well... Hanna, there is a life on that planet! The guy has his soft spots.

Hi lovelies!
I am extremely sorry for being such a lousy updater for the last few days, but I had lots on my head. I am having some free time now and I am catching up on the story so hopefully I would post it with better frequency!
Loads of love to you, and happy Easter to whom it may concern!


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