18. If it wasn't for your boyfriend...

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Marco's POV

It was all happening so fast, way too fast when we made the taxi driver stop with screeching tires when we saw a guy actually kicking a girl that was laying on the pavement trying to curl up to avoid his kicks. I was the first to storm of the car and Mario immediately followed me, we might've had few beers before heading out but this sight sobered us up in an instant.

"LEAVE HER!" Mario roared when we approached the scene and the guy grabbed the purse laying on the ground and ran away. My friend followed him and I approached the girl. She was barely conscious but it was only when I squatted next to her when my heart stood still. It was no one else than Hanna, and she was nothing even close to okay. She cringed when I put my hands underneath her to lift her up and I felt like my head was going to explode.

"Shush Hanna. Easy, I am here. You are safe" I kept mumbling trying to calm her down and only when she opened her eyes and finally saw me she stopped trying to escape.

"Marco" she stuttered and hid her face in my chest starting to sob.

"This tras was too fast, but he threw away the purse" Mario came back after few moments. He was panting and almost out of breath but when he regained his composure he looked at me puzzled.

"It's Hanna" I whispered almost in panic and I turned to the taxi that was still standing there and waiting for us.

"I've already called the ambulance" the driver spoke rushing out of the car but the fact that he didn't even go outside of the taxi before to catch the attacker enraged me so much that if it wasn't for Hanna still clinging to me like a monkey I would've probably punched him straight in the face.

"They will be here not soon enough" I hissed through the gritted teeth and almost kicked the car and Mario immediately understood what I've meant "Take us to the hospital. Now."

The driver nodded few times and as soon as I was on the back seat rocking Hanna and checking if she was still conscious he started the engine.

"Marco..." Mario started from the side but I just shook my head silencing him.

"I do not want to imagine what would've happened to her if we hadn't been on our way to the bar" I spoke in a weak voice and pressed her tightly to me.

Hanna's POV

My head was killing me and I hissed when the sun hit my eyes. I had no idea where I was and I was afraid to open my eyelids even wider. There was some faint beeping in the back and someone was obviously in the same room cause I could hear some very soft footsteps. I tried to move on the pillow but this only brought me another hiss.

"Do not force yourself sweetheart" I've heard a very gentle voice and when I finally managed to open my eyes I saw a nurse that was arranging my pillows "You had a mild concussion, but now everything is under control. The doctor will come in a minute."

The faint memories of the night before started coming back to me, but still I had no idea how come have I ended up in the hospital or rather who brought me there, cause I still had the face of the attacker imprinted in my mind. Thankfully the doctor's check up didn't last long and he told me that soon enough I would be released home.

"You had a lot of luck Hanna" he spoke almost opening the door "If it wasn't for your boyfriend that brought you here the damage might've been a lot worse."

"Boyfriend?" My eyebrows went up so fast that I hissed because of the bump on my forehead.

"Oh, you probably don't remember, but mild lacks of memory are caused by the stress" he smiled at me gently "A tall blonde? He stormed into the emergency room and made so much fuzz about us taking care of you in the first place that the nurses were afraid of loosing their jobs" he chuckled "I must say, that he is a man that knows how to get what he wants, but this time it was more than accurate."

My mind went dizzy cause I really had no idea who could that be and the doctor smiled at me softly.

"I have no boyfriend... I am sorry... that's a total misunderstanding" I stuttered and the doctor arched an eyebrow.

"That means that a friend of yours cares about you very much cause a stranger would not have spent the whole night outside your door" the doctor spoke.

"Is he still there?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"No, I am sorry, but I guess he had to leave an hour ago. Do you want us to contact him?" he scratched his forehead and I shook my head, cause still I had no idea who it was. All of my friends were still in the bar when I left and Erik (whom by the way I would never suspect of bossy behaviour) was out of town for a week.

"No, but it would be nice if you could inform my flatmate that I am here" I spoke "or I can do it on my own, but i need my phone for that."

"Here" he passed my my purse "all of your things are here."

I nodded my head and started rummaging in the spacious bag but instead of the phone first I found a man's sweater and I looked at it surprised.

"He covered you with that and you wouldn't let go of it when we took you for examination" the doctor smiled and my heart started beating fast, cause I perfectly knew whose sweater it was. I had been folding it and putting in a dressing room next to other dark sweaters every Friday when I was working at Marco's.

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