Chapter 3- A menace in the basement

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"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." Padmé remarked to Organa.

Star Wars was playing on the screen.

Danny, a college lad was slumped onto the sofa. A bag of chips, can of different cold drinks and a popcorn tub lay scattered onto the table.

A shrill voice making a  sudden commotion outside the room disrupted his mood.

"Danny, come out, you lazy child and help me in the kitchen".

He had nothing but to follow her command.

A sigh escaped his lips as he paused the movie and staggered towards the lobby with his left- leg. The leg which had stopped working two years back when an incident in the high school robbed him of his social dignity and gave him a quirky limp.

"Yes, Mama. You called me?" he stood timidly while the lady in front of him harrumphed.

Before they could say anything.

A deep throaty voice rang through the basement. "Come out, You devil!! What did you do ?!" followed by voices of smashing of some really heavy furniture. A blend of curses, cries and  angry roars kept getting on their nerves.

The plate her mother held in hand was clutched tightly while a wave of emotions crossed her face. For one second they were there, another gone and replaced by anger.

A slap thwacked Danny's face leaving a red pattern. Now will come the worst part, he shivered.

"You forgot to lock the doors !! Have you really lost your mind! Go down, right now !" She was fuming now.

He knew there was no point arguing but he still bargained, "Please mama, I am sorry but  won't go there, please".

 "How dare you talk back to me! Go downstairs and handle your business", her mama had been always authoritarian.

Watching him shrink, she softened her expressions,"My boy, you know what to do, right ?"

He waged his head like an obedient pup.

"Good, now enjoy yourself," she was satisfied.

He started his journey downstairs towards the basement holding his flashlight, he called as abyss. They kept the light really low or to minimum, while  the noise  beneath intensified proportionately to his racing heart beat.

 They kept the light really low or to minimum, while  the noise  beneath intensified proportionately to his racing heart beat

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The moment he reached his hell, he could see the destruction inside. His stomach heaved.

A hard shove to his back made him loose his footing and he fell down onto the floor with an oomph. A laugh ricocheted inside that dim light room.

Before he could turn around, the door locked from outside with a click.

"No," he knew what that click meant," Mama,  open the the door!" 

"This is your punishment. I promise to open the door, tomorrow, morning", with these final words he could hear her fading footsteps.

He was left to battle the demon. ALONE.


Author's Note-

Hello my lovelies,

Thank you for your time.

Keep reading and let me know your views and if you questions, shoot them up !

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