Chapter 4: A treat

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"Down the valley where you found roses...

Left on their tomb but there was no body inside

So you took those Roses for self..."

The rhyme was always her place when none was.

Time and again she'd like to play with the wall, chipping it off with her finger nails.

Humming, scratching, digging, repeat.

Humming, scratching, digging, repeat.

It kept her busy.

Had it been different she'd been in the barns with willow, her horsy.

Suddenly, the key clicked into a lock and someone entered into the barrack adjacent hers.

Amne snickered, another butterfly, she mused. But raised an eyebrow when saw it to be just a girl.

While she was seizing Rosie up and down, Deputy Sheriff, Katherine Benjamin called out,"Amne, you got a company. But stay away. She bites."

"Kitten can hardly do a thing, don't worry, Kat, "Amne smiled.

At this, Katherine gave Amne a 'just –behave' look and went away.

Once the footsteps receded, Amne positioned herself towards Rosie's cell.

To have a better view, she called her out,"Hey girl! Would you like some chocolates? I know you are hungry" .Taking out one from her secret stack, perks of being in good books of sheriffs.

"Hey... psssttt...psstttt..."' She noticed the girl to be standing stoic as if looking into nothingness.

"Would you listen?" arrogant brat.

Throwing her one last glance, she went back, "Suit yourself".

Getting comfortable, she started to muse, "You found a girl sweet as sugar, looking so pretty ..." "Oh boy, how did I forget that...?" She tried to remember, "pretty and..."

"Hanging from the branch...," Rosie stated.

A shiver ran down Amne's body.

"You know the rhyme, "she could see the girl now.

A tiny figure. Olive complexion with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair. She was wearing a tattered dress and no shoes.

Only the gifted ones were blessed with the anthem, "she muttered. Suddenly an array of emotions passed her face as realization dawned.

"You are her".

She scooted closer, "the one who killed a girl, right. I heard that there was blood all over the place. That's fascinating; tell me how you did that? " She was curious.

"The blood...,"Rosie scrunched her face.

"Yeah, lots of... I heard you killed her with ribbon right?" Amne stated as a matter of fact.

"Blood. Ribbon... Blood.... Ribbon.." Rosie kept on repeating the words as if in a trance.

"Hey, girl. You fine. Was the blood not enough for the ribbon?" She gave her the look of mischief.

Suddenly Rosie's expression changed. Her eyes went wide and she choked a cry.

" No no!!'

It was frenzy; she started running around beating and kicking the bars."Open the door. Please let me out!!"

Her movements became fanatic with each passing moment. "Open the door!!Open the darn door!"

She kept on crying and banging till her throat hurt.

" no!! This is a dream. I have to wake up." She started slapping and beating herself.

When not satisfied, she went and started head butting the wall behind.

When Amne saw blood, she understood, it was time to call the sheriff.

She rushed to the door and started calling out, "Kat! Hale! Is anybody there? We got an emergency!!"

She gave a look towards Rosie's direction and found her to be beating herself mumbling God knows what.

Running footsteps approached and later minutes were all blur. The police women and paramedics arrived. Rosie could only be placated once injected with syringe.

God what a fighter, it took four medics to hold her down as her cries bellowed the hall.

Once they took her away.

Amne took a deep breath of relief.

Sinking back into the seat. She took out a cigarette and puffed a smoke.

As the rings of smoke faded into air. She reached below the side of the stool and took out something from the secret compartment.

Inhaling the sweet scent, she relished. She puffed and cradled into her hand.

A bloodied ribbon it was.


Hello my lovelies,

I hope you love the update.

It was really fun for me as well.

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Lots of Love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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