Chapter 12: Good to be Back

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I tried to gauge how far they were. We have five, ten minutes tops. I ran over to Luca and Tarin. I stood there for a second, breathing hard and covered in black blood. I could feel my hands crackling with energy and I dropped to my knees. I rolled my wrists a couple of times and winced once my tonfas cut me. "Yep... Definitely real." I thought pained. A flicked my wrists and they dematerialized.

I quickly began to examine Luca and my heart dropped. The afflicted area was turning purple and the blood, which was now pouring out more slowly, was turning black. I gulped and realized that he didn't have much time. I looked down at my hands, which were glowing a bright white. I grabbed a towel and gagged him. From the rumors, savage demons follow by sound because they're blind. "This is going to hurt a lot so be a good boy and don't bark." I taunted him, I forced a weak smile. He gave me a not very pleased look. There were a few muffled words from him, but other than that he was well behaved.

I took a deep breath and placed my hands against his wound. I took my left hand and started digging around for that stupid demonic parasite as I healed with my right. I honestly felt really bad because I could see the tears forming in his eyes as muffled screams came through the rag. I kept on apologizing and taunting at the same time, trying desperately to distract him. There was another howl as I found the parasitic demon. My heart started pounding as I tried desperately to finish the healing.

"Tarin, grab a knife now." I said in a hushed tone. She ran to the kitchen and came back less than thirty seconds later and handed a dull steak knife to me. I handed it back and told her, "I need you to kill it, please. The savage ones are closing in and I can't finish his healing while trying to destroy this thing." She only nodded. I guess this situation shut her smart mouth up. I tossed out the parasite and she screamed and stabbed it. Once we were sure it was dead, I had the wound clean of all the venom and I was working on closing it.

Suddenly, an inhuman howl came from just under our window. They found us (probably from Tarin's screaming, but I'm not one to point fingers) and that meant that time was up.

Luca pushed me away as he staggered to his knees and then to his feet. I tried to stop him, especially since his wound was still deeper than I would like. Though, I had to admit, I did pretty good job for someone who is still mostly fallen.

"G-get Tarin out of here and run Luci." He instructed, his breathing was ragged and his voice was weak. "I'll hold them off."

"Nice try Lulu." I teased, then I became extremely serious. "Like Hell I'm going to let you become savage demon kibble." I placed my hands on my hips as I glared up at him. Luca looked one hundred percent done with me. I ignored it and continued, "listen..." I placed my hand on his shoulders as I spun him around and made him look at me in the eyes. "You're still injured Luca... You're slow and your reaction time is honestly depressing." He hung his head and I patted it, earning yet another glare. (Somehow he knew when to talk and when not to at this point. It made me wonder how he knew me so well that he knew both when to shut up and my buttons.) "Even in my fallen form, I'm a lot stronger than you at the current moment. Whether you like it or not, I am our best bet. Now that I have my weapons, they don't stand a chance." Honestly the whole thing was rushed and I highly doubt he understood ten words out of that.

"Your brother will literally kill me, Luce." Luca protested. My eyes widened as my heart stopped. Only two people have ever called me that was Michael and an old friend. I didn't think it was possible... Everyone said that he died in a village razing. This immediately put me up on my defensive.

"Well... I guess that you'll need to forgive me and give me whatever answers I want later." I told him darkly. I then took my left fist and made it come hard to the side of his face. His head snapped violently and he slumped to the ground.

Tarin looked just about ready to freak out when I held up my hand. "Get him somewhere safe." I said simply as she dragged him off.

I then hopped up onto to the window frame and shouted loudly, "up here you savage scum!!" Let me tell you, that certainly got their attention because they snapped their heads towards me. I counted and saw there were only three of them. I jumped from the window and used my wings to soften my landing. I landed on the ground like heroes do all the time in stereotypical movies.

When I landed, it dawned on me that this situation certainly was anything but ideal. I mean, I was fallen these things are bloodthirsty, mindless, sacks of meat. "If I outsmart them, I could have a chance." I thought, trying to come up with a plan. I shook my head. "No the old Lucille won because she was crazy and unpredictable. I need to be like that now."

I gulped and shook it off. I knew their greatest weakness and that would be my key to victory. I had my goal now everything else is just playing by ear. I let out a cry and ran at them with the fastest speed I could muster. I let my mind go blank as old me took control. (Sure, she was the reason I got kicked out of Heaven, but if I wanted to live, I needed old me).

I ran at the first savage demon and sliced at it. There was the sound of my blade going through its skin as I smirked. I looked over my shoulder to see the headless body fall to the ground in its own blood. The head rolled, revealing a face that would now forever be in a permanent scowl. It must have just turned savage because that one was too easy.

I chuckled as I could feel the next one run at me. I looked back over my shoulder and stared at it in the eyes. They were almost a black void minus just a glimmer of light. I looked forward and saw the perfect opportunity. I ran straight at the wall and I shoved my foot against it. I felt a possible displacement in my ankle, but I would have to tend to it later. I shot up high into the air, flipping, and smirked darkly. I flicked my wrist and my right tonfa shot from its place in the holder. The only thing that was keeping it attached to me was a strong, steel cord. The wire wrapped around its neck and the blade of the tonfa faced inwards. Once I landed on the ground, I yanked my wrist, hard. The head flew into the air and even at the distance I was at (about four or five feet), I got blood spattered on me.

I turned around and faced the next and last savage. "Two down, one to go." I thought, my voice filled with cockiness. I took one slow step forward and analyzed this one carefully. From what I could deduce, this one had to be the leader of this pack. It was foaming purple at the mouth as it's fangs were extremely long. The face was all scrunched up and mangled. The skin looked and smelled like it was rotting and the eyes were gone, leaving empty sockets.

I laughed darkly- as some people would put it insanely- as I ran at big, ugly, and rotting. I sliced at it, hoping that the rotting and atrophy would have slowed it. I was honestly shocked as the dead as heck thing caught the tonfa with its hand. The blade sliced into its palm and its blood dripped into my nose. I tried so hard not to gag due to the smell of this creatures putrid blood. My eyes widened as the thing grew two extra arms and sliced at me. Now there was a- possibly- broken ankle and a gash in my leg. I howled in pain and the savage demon almost seemed to get pleasure out of it.

The only way that I could win at this point was using my adrenaline as my advantage. It let me go, assuming that I was done for. I collapsed to the ground and it went for the finishing blow. I sliced with my right tonfa and the creature caught it. The savage demon then got cocky and let its guard down. I saw my opportunity and took it. I sliced hard with my left and it's head slid down.

The head fell on top of me and I wretched right then and there. I couldn't stand the rotting smell. I looked at the body and saw that it was completely hollowed out. Just to make sure that thing that literally came from Hell didn't come back. I walked over to Merrymen's and broke one of the pieces to the white picket fences and impaled it through its head.

I got up and looked around. Suddenly, there was thunderous applause and I saw that there were crowds of people. I suppose that they convinced themselves that this was some sort told movie. I loved the human mind sometimes.

I waved and smiled, pained, I shot up to the closest pole and grabbed onto it. I used my momentum to swing upwards and landed inside my apartment.

I stood up shakily, now convinced that I thoroughly broke my poor right ankle. I looked down to see my left leg bleeding profusely from where that thing sliced me. The area around it was turning purple as my blood started to be tinted black.

Suddenly, my world started to spin. I crashed to the ground and my entire world faded onto black.

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