Chapter 13: The Grey Area

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I heard the sound of birds singing as I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The sun decided to be directly in my eyes because why not? As I moved my eyes around, I took notice of the blue sky and soft, green grass.

I sat up and looked down at myself. I wasn't injured and I wasn't covered in blood. In fact I was in the dress that Michael made me wear for our first major victory. I smiled softly at the memory. Then it hit me.

"Oh crap I died!" I groaned loudly in dismay. "I really messed up!" I fell back onto the grass with a hard thump and snapped my eyes shut. The sunlight was still searing through my eyelids as I covered them with my arm.

I couldn't stop the feeling of thankfulness. Don't get me wrong I am extremely upset, but still. Being dead, dying for a good cause, that meant I have nothing more to prove. I was done and soon enough, someone from Heaven was going to come fetch me.

Suddenly, there was a low chuckle that came from above me. I removed my arms and looked up to see Michael. He was outlined in sunlight as he blocked out most of it. "Have you come to fetch me, dear brother?" I inquired hopefully.

"Now Luci, you know things are never this simple." Michael said, teasing.

I groaned, "ugh, this is Hell. Got it." I received a playful punch in the arm as I stuck out my tongue. "Ow, even torture comes with it." We both started laughing as he laid down next to me.

Suddenly I could feel a serious vibe come off of Michael. I looked at him and saw that his face was solemn. "Mikey..." I began almost to nervous to inquire what was the matter. Whenever he had this vibe, it was never good news. He must have been able to tell what I was going to say. Being with someone for as long as the end of the dinosaurs can do that to you.

"Luci..." He began slowly, "the court is currently in session about what had happened with the savage demons."

"What is there to debate about Michael?! I'm probably dying in the real world because I put the lives of innocents over the life of my own!" I shouted angrily, interrupted him.

"Let me finish Lucille Malina Angelium." He said sternly, causing me to close my mouth. "Listen, what you did was extremely selfless, but you didn't think about your actions."

"There was no-" I began to defend.

"Time. Yes I know." He finished for me before proceeding. "There is a huge debate going on currently."

"Let me defend myself!" I screamed as I lost my temper. "I saved lives at the peril of my own. What is there to debate on?! I was selfless, heroic, and I brought someone back from the brink of death. I was everything that an angel should be and more. Yes I was a bit rash with my actions, I will admit that, but I did it to save people."

"Yet you didn't think before you acted, once again. Come on Lucille, this is what got you kicked out of Heaven in the first place, was it not? Though, all is not hopeless my dear sister. Your friends are fighting for your return and Mother is the one giving you your powers back as she sees fit. She gave you your tonfas and healing abilities. Think of it as a reward. Do you know how hard it is to defend you at court, especially when you do boneheaded stuff like this, it's difficult to say the least." Michael explained. "Other than that, you're on your own sweetheart."

"I know that, but being selfless is all part of the whole angel deal. Sure, I did something wrong, but it was for all the right reasons." I tried to rationalize this entire situation while my physical self was dying. I turned my head, unwilling to bring myself to look at him.

"Luci, you know that, I know that, Hell even the court knows that. What you did..." He clicked his tongue as if he was thinking. "It's called the grey area. Everyone wants you back, but we need to follow the rules." He informed, having a small smile on his face at the first part of the last sentence. Though, it fell at the second part about the rules. Go figure, we're the good guys so we had to follow the stupid rules. "Though, I can probably smooth talk the court into leaning towards ascension." He added, ruffling my hair.

"Thought you said I was alone." I mumbled and pouted as I crossed my arms.

"Just because you are alone in you're decisions doesn't mean you're alone in everything." He pointed out. "Why do you think I sent in Luca Divie to help you." He said something else as well, but I couldn't hear it. The wind picked up to a higher velocity and everything got blocked out. I knew I didn't have any much time for him to repeat it, so I didn't bother asking.

"To annoy me or to give me a pet?" I replied, snickering as I smirked. Michael sighed, knowing that I didn't hear him, but didn't bother to repeat.

"Luca was the only one who was available and who voluntarily went to help you. Your team is currently away on a mission. I need to be honest Luci. Your team... They're lost without you. They are messy with their techniques and Hell of a less organized. You were their compass and their glue. You are what holds them together." He finished quietly as he looked away. "Anyway, you and I both need to be going, your friends are calling for you." With that, he seemed to have teleported somewhere out of my reach.

I gasped as my eyes snapped open and I was greeted by a bright, white light beaming directly into my eyes. I went to sit up, but there was a clinging noise as I fell back onto the bed.

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