Chapter 23: The First Trial; Resistance

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The first of my senses to come to me was the sense of touch, or more accurately feel. I felt a nearly unbearable heat, dry heat, making my skin as if it was burning up. The second of my senses to come back was, sadly, my sense of hearing. I heard the howling of people in agony. Their pleading to be free and insistence that they didn't belong here.

Even with that, I wasn't ready to see what I saw when I opened my eyes. There were people, humans in cells. Most of them were huddled in a corner of the their own private cells, whimpering softly. That isn't what made me sick to my stomach though. What made me sick was what I saw tormenting them.

It was a tall creature with skin hanging from its frame like rags. It was completely black with smoke coming off of it. The smell coming off of it was the stink of rotting corpses and it almost made me retch. I hunched over putting my hands on my knees. I was finally able to make myself stand straight after few moments. That is, until one of those creatures turned and faced me.

I let out a horrified scream and fell backwards. I scrambled back, looking for something, anything I could use as a weapon. What I saw was horror beyond compare. The thing had no face, at least not at first. At first it was a blank, white mask. Then, it began to morph into the face of Mother.

I got up and began running as fast as I could, not daring to look back. If it was capable of masquerading as God, I didn't want to know what else it could do.

Suddenly, flames burst up like a volcano, burning my arm. I let out a whimper of pain, but continued to run.

I slowed down enough to turn my running into a brisk walk after I was sure I was far enough away from that- that thing. I wasn't paying any attention and ended up running into something. (The only reason I said something and not someone is because I'm in freaking Hell. I've already seen an example of what lives down here).

I winced as I hit the ground hard. I refused to look up at what I ran into, fearing it was another one of those creatures.- Nothing can usually strike fear into my heart, but that most certainly did.- I began rubbing my backside. That's when I saw a hand, a human hand, come into my line of vision. I looked up to see who it belonged to, slowly of course, can never be too cautious in Hell. Who I saw made my blood boil. Standing in front of me, offering his hand, was none other than Lucifer.

I immediately put my guard up. Trial or not, my twin could not be trusted. I kept my superior, Angel vision on him, ready to retaliate. I smacked his hand away as I muttered, "I can stand on my own." I got up and brushed myself off.

He chuckled at my actions and I glared at him. I couldn't attack him, but I could at least try to intimidate him. I tried to snap open my wings and my heart stopped. They weren't there. I ground my teeth when I remembered they were burned off right before the trials began. I was honestly about ready to cry, but I stopped myself. There was no way in all the three levels I was about to show my evil twin weakness.

He took a step closer to me and I took a step back. "Oh dear Luci, did they take away your wings?" He asked, his voice dripping with pity.

"Shut up devil." I growled and clenched my fists.

He ignored me as he continued. He leaned in close to me as my back hit a wall. "It would be better if you joined me."

"And what could you possibly have to offer me?" I asked, my voice dropping as I glared.

"I can give you wings that no one can take away." He tempted. He then hugged me and I shoved him hard, making him let go and stumble backwards.

He put his hand on my chest, acting offended and hurt by my rejection. I rolled my eyes at his childish act. It was hard to believe he was older than me. I knew him better than that and saw straight through his act.

Even though I knew that all of this was fabricated, all a test of something, I wanted to punch him so bad. Though, it might mean that I failed the stupid trial. I tried to get a hold of my anger as I took a few deep breaths and clenched and unclenched my fists.

This seemed to have made my usually taunting and seemingly carefree twin, pissed as Hell. (Pun intended). Lucifer started running at me, Siegfried, his dark blade, was in his hand.

Every muscle in my body was screaming to defend me, to do something to get out of the blade's destructive path. I forced myself not to move, to ignore everything. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself for whatever came next.

Though, I didn't expect for Lucifer to essentially explode into dust on impact. I coughed a bit and sneezed.

"I swear, the council just enjoys playing cruel jokes." I mumbled in discontent.

Suddenly, an odd feeling began to overtake my body. It wasn't warmth or pleasant, and yet it wasn't cold or painful. It was more of a discomfort. I began floating and a bright light began to overtake the dark room. It began burning my eyes so unless squeezed them shut.

Just before everything went black, I though I heard Lucifer. It was hard to understand, but I would know it was his voice anywhere.

"What did I do to you to deserve your hate?" He asked or at least what it sounded like.

After that, everything went black and I was on my way to the next trial.

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