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Your POV

" (Y/n), come here!" Ms. Claudia calls out to me. She's helped me out sense what happened that one time... "How are ya?" She asks as she puts on that smile. "Im fine.." I said with a poker-face as always. "Whats wrong??" She asks. "I didn't say anything was wrong.. I just said I'm fine.." I said. "C'mon something is wrong." She says. "I said I'm fine!" I say as I raise my voice a bit. I then walk off as my elbow hits her arm, sense my hands were in my pockets.. But Damn.. She acts like I'm some type of 5 year old. I know how to take care of myself, no one believes me though. Whatever, I can care less right now. So as I'm walking, I bump into this one guy named Johnson. "What are you doing punk?" He said as he grabs me by my shirt. "Let me go you cunt.." I said. "Oh cunt huh? Watcha gonna do tough-guy wannabe." Johnson says as he pushes me. "Guys stop!" Ms. Claudia said. I roll my eyes as I walk off outside. "(Y/n)! Wait!" Ms. Claudia says. I ignore as I keep walking. I then walk to the woods. It was 12: 02 pm, and I was starting to get tired. I keep walking till I hear someones breathing. "... Who's there..?" I ask as I stop walking. Nothing was heard until a black, I believe, a black pillowcase around my head. I swing my arms but the were grabbed by someone. "Mmmph!!" I say. "Shhhh.. Heheheheh.... go to sleep..." Someone said. But then I hear someone else, but with a demon-like, low voice. "Jeff.. We are not killing him.. He has been chosen, so we will not be killing the innocent child..." The demon-like voice says. Ill have you know stranger.. I am NOT a child... I then felt a hard bang on my head. And that was when I passed out..

•2 Hours Later•

I wake up slowly as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I look around, and I did not know anyone that was staring right at me. "You have woken up my child.." That one person said. I look over to the one that just spoke, and I can tell he's a guy. He had no face, no ears, and no hair. He was wearing a tuxedo with a red tie on it. "I am Slenderman.. Here, we have some of the other Creepypastas.. You have been chosen, and will spend your life here.." He says. I look at everyone else and thought, 'Well then... let the games begin... '

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