Ch 3!!

450 17 7

I was sleeping fine, till I hear a some type of giggle in my room. I slowly wake up and I look around my room, then noticing a clown-looking guy standing right in front of me. "Uhm.. Can I help you..?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow. "Heheheh no. Heheh candy?" He says handing me some candy. "Thanks.. What's your name?" I asked. "Hehehe its Laughing Jack you silly! Heheh!" He said eating his candy. "Sigh.. So what do you usually do around here..?" I ask. Ill admit im really board right now. "Hehehe usually we kill people!" Laughing Jack says smiling in a creepy way. "Oh.. that's uh.. that's nice..." I said as I get up and walk out of my room. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Im curious what these guys eat here.. I walk to the fridge and all I see is waffles, cheesecake, milk, eggs, etc. I just grab 2 eggs and make myself some dippy eggs. I sit down with the rest of the guys as I then began to eat. There wasn't that much talking, other than Ticci Toby bothering Masky. So after I was done eating, I walk upstairs and into the hall way. "Hey (Y/n)!" BEN said. I turn around and see BEN. "Yes?" I asked. "Wanna hang out with me?" BEN asks as he smiles. "Oh uhm.. Sure.." I said. "Alright let's go." He says and starts walking to his room, I follow behind. Once we got to his room he sits on his bed and pats the spot next to him for me to sit down. "..." I walk over and sat at the very end on the bed. "Oh cmon, just sit next to me." BEN said. I look at BEN. "Sigh..." BEN moves closer to me and we sat there silently. "How big is your dick?" BEN asks out of nowhere. Did he seriously just ask what my dick size is?? Jfc.. ".... (D/s).." (BTW that just stands for "Dick size". You guys can come up with it 😅) BEN blushes lightly. "Wow..." I just look at BEN. "Why did you asked me that anyway?" I asked. "Just wondering." BEN says and smiles. I sigh as I look away. "Well I'm just gonna go.." I said as I get up and walk out the door. I walk to my room and sat on my bed. Few minutes later, I look over at the ground and notice a (f/c) rose was on the ground. "...." I walk over to it and stared at it till I stomp on it. I turn around, and there was some other faceless man in a hat standing there. "... what." I asked. "Why did you do that?!?" He asks as he grabs my ass. I glare at him. "Why grabbing my ass??" He smirks and snacks my ass hard, having me squeak quietly. He chuckles and walks out. I sigh and flopped on my bed, looking at the ceiling. KNOCK KNOCK. Someone knocks on my door as I get up to answer it. I open the door and see Jeff. "Hi.." I said. "Sigh.. Slender made me hang out with you.." Jeff says crossing his arms. "Hm... well do you want to step in or..?" I ask. He glares and walks in. I sigh as I close the door. I look over at Jeff as he's swinging his knife in the air. "...." I walk over to him and take his knife. "Hey!!" He jumps up and tried to take the knife away from me. I swing it in the air, catch it, then threw it in the wall.  It was seriously like, 7 inches in the wall.. I look at Jeff and see that his jaw dropped and just frozed. "Are you amazed er something?" I ask. "How.. Did..  You..  Do that?!" Jeff asks looking at me like I offended him er something. ".........  Skills.."  I said. "No it can't just be your 'skills',  I can't even do that!" He says. "Well... Then I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders and bit. "Teach me." Jeff said staring in my soul. "Sigh..  Alright I guess.." I grab his knife from the wall,  then I walk over to Jeff. "Okay uhm..  Hold your knife.." I said.  10 minutes later I finally finished showing him my little trick.  "Uhm..  Thanks (Y/n).  Are we now friends?" Jeff asks. "Sure." I say,  making Jeff have a tick mark. "Cya.." Jeff said as he walks out of my room. I've been in my room all day, so why not just walk around the place.. So I walk around the living room as I listen to, "In the end, Black Veil Brides". (Fucking love that song..!) "Dinner!!!" BEN and Jeff yells out. I sigh as I walk to the kitchen. I sit by Masky and then started to eat my (F/f). I look over and see some guy eating kidneys. "Kidneys..?" I ask. "Yah, that's Eyeless Jack. He eats kidneys a lot." Toby says smiling. I nod and went back to eating. Once I was done, I get up to clean my dish, but then stopped once feeling a tight grip around my leg. I look down to see Sally hugging my leg. "Hiiiii." She said smiling. I give her a quick slight smile. I then shrug my leg to get her arms off of my leg and went to go clean my dish. I finished, then after that, I walk upstairs and into my room. I remove my clothes and got comfy in my bed. I locked my door so hopefully no one walks in.. Day 2..  Complete..

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