This Is For Allie

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Beca didn't have many friends, any  friends

She had Allie though, her online friend since elementary school

She always listened to her, really listened to her

She didn't sugar coat anything, she always knew when Beca wasn't okay 

Allie always asked when Beca wasn't okay

She only cared about Beca and refused to answer any questions unrelated to Beca

Beca was glad that she cared, but was weirded out about how she never wanted to talk about herself

When Allie finally opened herself up to her, Beca felt like a million bucks

She felt like she could help Allie get better

Allie was a happy sunflower seed planted in the wrong soil

It didn't belong, she probably would've been liked if she tried, but she was better alone

She wanted to be some kind of different, any different from the other people

So she started to with herself

Her world: 1

Allie's ignorance made Beca feel special

Allie rather talk to her than anyone else

And that was good

And for a while, it was all fine

But it was never fine

It was so not fine that Allie attempted a suicide by downing a bottle of sleeping pills

Nobody thinks that things like this could happen

But they're everywhere

Allie is locked up somewhere where she would be forced to stay alive

And I'm still here

Living the same old life

But soon I wont be living anymore

I'll be just existing

Gradually, my fears will eat me alive

And Allie, if you're reading this,

It was never your fault

It was mine

I will ceise to exist

Carry on, BecaWhere stories live. Discover now