Shattered (Malthael & Imperius)

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A small angst, guys, sorry.

Imperius watched his brother sadly as his hunched form continued to lean over its chalice, unmoving. He had to resist shaking him or shattering Chalad'ar just to bring his beloved angel back to him, and it was so, so hard not to. Malthael had been in this coma-like state for days on end, staring into the chalice as if in a trance. Valor could feel no movement, no life at all radiating off of him, and he could tell the wise archangel was slowly unravelling from his former glory.

Imperius wanted to punch something. It was too much to bear. He should've been able to prevent this somehow, but now he had lost both Tyrael and Malthael to the Worldstone all because he was oblivious to their concerns.

This was his punishment, and he knew he deserved it.

But Valor couldn't help himself. He whispered Malthael's name, and snapped his gloved fingers underneath his invisible gaze. After brief hesitation, Wisdom violently jerked forward, raising a clawed fist in Imperius's direction. Before he knew it, Valor was thrown against a silver pillar, shattering it into pieces.

He grunted as he fell to his knees, blinking stars out of his veiled eyes. Imperius stumbled to his feet after a minute, wincing from the pain. He found that Malthael was on the ground, arms around his legs while his wings drooped at his sides. He seemed frailer than normal, his aura grim, and his wings dull. Wisdom had become something entirely different.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Imperius heard him whisper, over and over. Valor lifted the smaller angel to his feet and wrapped his arm around his shoulder for support, both leaning against an archway.

"I-I can't stop it. It controls me, a-and there's nothing I can do..." Wisdom choked out, seeming horrified.

"It's okay, brother, I am here for you," Valor consoled him.

 "No. No, you don't understand. I-It's me." Malthael looked at him, his aura letting off an endless despair. "I saw it, Imperius. I'm going to kill so many people..." he sobbed into his chest.

Imperius watched the elder cry, deeply disheartened. Malthael had never done this before.

"Let's go back, brother. We shouldn't stay here any longer."

"No! I have to leave! I h-have to get out... I don't... I can't hurt anyone else, Imperius. Please, you have to understand, someone needs to stop me..." He suddenly began struggling against Valor, his size and agility enabling him to escape.

"I'm sorry."

Wisdom was gone.


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