Kisses (Auriel & Itherael)

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"Itherael," a sweet voice echoed from down the steps of the Library of Fate. "You have missed another council meeting," the voice commented.

"Yes." Itherael replied as he continued to read what prophecies were being written on Talus'ar, never letting his eyes stray from its flowing scriptures. 

"Are you going to tell me why?" The archangel asked, sounding rather distressed at the others unresponsiveness.

Fate took a moment before replying. "I've been very busy lately, Auriel. Imperius wants me to find every shred of information about the Soulstone and what Tyrael and the nephalem plan to do with it," Itherael paused. "It seems as if he's going to shatter it himself. I can tell he grows impatient." The glowing form of Hope drifted closer to him, her aura of prospect and aspiration washing over him, filling him with hope for the future.

"I've noticed the same," Auriel said, draping Al'maiesh over his shoulder in a comforting manner. "But you seem like you're stressing yourself out trying to find this information. It might not even be possible to find," she pointed out.

"I am fine, Auriel," Itherael said cooly, although he truly was beginning to get stressed. He hated not being able to find information that should have been laid out in front of him. It seemed just out of reach.

"Itherael, you haven't come out for almost a week, and it's truly worrying." She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him hopefully. 

"Please come back to us."

Fate finally tore his eyes from Talus'ar and looked back at Auriel, a faint, purple blush growing over his face. "Auriel..."


Itherael looked at her and then back to the parchment floating just above his hand, smiling. 

"Alright, just for you."

Auriel grinned happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek, both smiling as they retreated from the library. 

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