Chapter 15

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My head hurt. No, my head felt like a hammer was beating it to death. I groaned, hiding from any source of light that was trying to kill me. I was on something soft, it supported me through the shit storm I was going through.

"Someone's having a rough morning," an all too familiar voice chimed. I groaned again. The bed I had been on, shifted. He was next to me. I lifted the pillow up from my head to see him laying beside me shirtless, his arms behind his head casually. I know could see his tattoos he had talked about. Even through my hangover, I would admire his sculpted body.

"You aren't a morning person are you?" he asked. I shut my eyes.

"I got a tattoo," I mumbled.

"And you got drunk," Will added.

"I hate alcohol," I said.

"I don't," Will told me, "Without it you wouldn't have done what you did." My head shot up. Immediately I regretted it from the pain that shot through my head.

"I was an idiot wasn't I?" I asked. Will smirked.

"A cute idiot," he corrected. I laid back into the pillow. "Once you're actually functioning, we have to head to my parents' house."

"Shit!" I cursed, "I didn't make it home last night."

"No worries. I texted your dad last night with your phone, saying you were okay and just needed fresh air." I rubbed my head.

"I hate this," I complained. Will's hand stroked my hair.

"You'll live. Now let's go!"

"Shh... too loud."


When we drove down the neighborhood to Emma's house it suddenly hit me; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were letting Will back into the house... or Will was willing to go back, whichever way it was.

"They're letting you go back?" I asked. Will didn't have to ask to know what I was talking about.

"No. I agonizingly had to call them back when they called you. You were sleeping and I figured it was important. There's some things of Emma's that they want you to have or have the choice to keep," Will explained.

"And they were willing to talk to you?" I asked. Will laughed.

"They were more shocked that I answered your phone. You'll probably get a lecture about why hanging out with me is negative towards your future," Will said.

"It's not like I started drinking... oh wait," I joked. We laughed as we pulled into the driveway.

"Ah, the gates of Hell. Satisfying, isn't it?" I rolled my eyes at Will.

"Shut up and let's go."

We walked up to the front door. I still remembered their garage door code. However, I couldn't just walk in like I used to. I had actually be formal about visiting now. I rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Lawrence- I used to just call her Cathy- opened the door, smiling at me. When her eyes found Will, it dropped to a grimace.

"Oh, Will. I didn't realize you would actually be coming with Clara," Mrs. Lawrence said.

"But wouldn't you just love to see your dearest son again?" Will replied. His voice was laced with loathing.

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