Chapter 24

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I tried to act like what Mariana said didn't get to me. She had changed the conversation to what I had done for the summer so far and things I wanted to do. I let the conversation go on, ignoring a strange feeling in my stomach. This time it wasn't butterflies.

We went back to Will, who was cleaned up and talking to some guys.

Act normal, I thought.

I felt like I knew a secret of his, even though it wasn't a secret. It was the start of one.

"Hey," Will greeted when he spotted us, "Grow tired of Mari, did ya?" I smiled.

"No. She's actually pretty cool," I said. Mari and I exchanged a look.

"Some might call her that," Will added, laughing at Mari.

"And some might call you un meter la pata," Mariana insulted back. Will and his friends looked at her confused. They obviously didn't understand what she said just like me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mari," Will told her. He walked over to me. Mari looked between the two of us cautiously. My stomach continued to feel odd. Everything is fine, I tried to tell myself.

"Alright. Just watch yourself," Mari replied.

Will and I walked back to Cherry and drove back to his place. The whole time I acted like I was fine and yet in reality I was screaming. I was screaming at him to tell me the truth. I was screaming at him to tell me everything he hasn't told me before. I was screaming at him because he knew a different side of Emma that I didn't.

"Do you want to stay here again tonight or do you want me to drop you off at home later?" Will asked as we entered his apartment.

"I don't know yet," I said honestly. I walked over to the the window and peered out to the parking lot below. There was a couple walking hand in hand, a small Chihuahua leading them on their way.

"You okay?" Will asked appearing at my side. I didn't dare glance at him. My throats tightened ever so slightly. I swallowed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. I moved away and squatted down by the movie rack, acting like I was going to pick out one. Will walked down the hall and into the bathroom. The air felt eery between us. I sucked in a breath and leaned over, staring down the hall. His bedroom door was open. I stood up and quietly made my way down the hall, stopping at his doorway.

I sucked in another breath and walked over to his dresser. I felt like I was trespassing. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be seeing this simple picture.

If you weren't supposed to see it, it wouldn't have been out, I thought.

Halting in front of the dresser, I stared at the picture. A piece of the truth unveiling in front of me.

"Hey," Will greeted. I didn't look back to see him, my eyes and thoughts glued to the picture. The floral shirt was displayed graciously on the girl. A dark leather jacket seemingly accenting the boy's features. Both of them were smiling. They were happy unlike the stories I've heard. They were enjoying each other's company, they were being the siblings I never thought they would be.

"It's funny isn't it?" I asked him, not bothering to turn to him. Maybe it was because I was frozen in place, or maybe it was because I couldn't bare to look at him; maybe both.

When Will didn't respond I continued, "You think you know someone-" I let out a laugh "-you assume what someone has told you is the truth and that they won't lie. And if they do lie it will be something minor. Not their relationships with someone, not the way they feel about someone. Hell, not even their family issues."

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