Chapter 23

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The sun peeked through the blinds, a ray of light resting on my face. The sun gave a reassuring warmth but, was also was nice pain in the ass.

My head was screaming at me, cursing me again just like last time. Alcohol and Clara do not go well together.

Movement shifted the bed, a body rolling over. I felt their presence beside me as they planted a pair of soft lips on my shoulder. Will and Clara however, they went together quite nicely. I opened my eyes and looked over at Will.

The words he told me last night resurfaced into my mind, replaying over and over.

"Want breakfast?" asked Will.

"If you're offering," I said with a small shrug. Will smiled and got out of bed, wandering down the hall, his sweatpants hanging low.

"God help me," I mumbled to myself. I sat up in Will's bed and admired the room as Will was making racket in the kitchen.

His walls were a dark grey. A few band posters were plastered on the walls. I recognized all of them now, Will had given me a great education over his favorite genre of music. A dark, wooden dresser sat opposite of his bed. Objects sat at the top, even a few pictures. One caught my eye. The people looked familiar, but I couldn't tell who exactly was in it. I was just about to get up to see, when Will walked back in with two bowls in his hands.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Some continental breakfast you have here," I said courtly. Will sat across from me, stirring the cereal.

"You act like Cookie Crisp isn't the best cereal on the planet," Will replied.

"I'm more of a Lucky Charms type of person," I informed. I took a bite of the mixture of miniature chocolate chip cookies and milk.

"I'll make sure to grab them the next time I'm at the store," Will assured me. I smiled as he took a bite of his own.

For the rest of the late morning, Will and I sat around talking and watching old childhood TV shows. We both agreed SpongeBob Squarepants was easily the most annoying show and shared a love for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Dexter's Laboratory.

I guess our old hearts still enjoyed being millennials.

Even as I enjoyed spending time with Will, my phone was blowing up. Texts and calls from both of my parents kept coming. Eventually I had to send them texts saying: I'm fine.

By the time noon came around, we ran to my place so I could change. Mom and Dad were gone for work and Lacey was happy to see me. I made us some macaroni and cheese and then we went to Rick's Auto Shop.

This time when we were there, there were more workers. Rick was busy in his office on the phone, coworkers of Will's greeted Will and I. It was clear to me that the guys here treated each other like brothers. Will still had a family.

"What have you been working on now?" I asked Will as I followed him to a large, red toolbox. Will dug through the drawers as I enjoyed my view of his butt in his work uniform.

"There's someone's '98 that needs a couple of things done for it's transmission," Will told me, casually. I didn't speak car.

"No beautiful babes around anymore?" I asked, disappointed. He must have found what he needed as he spun around, grease smudged on his chin. I smiled.

"I mean Zoe isn't working today but she might stop by later," Will joked. I playfully glared at him and pulled him closer.

"Not funny." Will smiled at me.

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