Bayou vist

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(Stiles pov)

Me and Klaus decided to travel to the bayou to see the wolves and hope. He told the wolves of my pregnancy and they welcomed me with open arms and said I am always welcome with them which is strange to me because the wolves despise my family and mostly my twin.

~time skip~

Klaus said he had some work to do so he left me at the bayou cause I wanted to stay and hang out with all the little kids to get used to having a kid around they were all so playful it was so cute I couldn't contain my laughter at all there was a little boy I believe his name was marcus and he a brother who was his twin named max but max looked stronger than marcus and marcus annoyed him so max threw him in the water and I burst into laughter and so did very one else.

"Hey stiles" I heard a calm voice behind me and when I turned around I came face to face with haley and she scared me sk much that I fell off  the log I had been sitting on and she started laughing and so did I when I calm down I finally answered her

"Y..yes haley" I said out of breath

"I'm so srry what happens to you and u mad a good choice to keep the child" she said as if she thought she was crossing a line.

"I wasn't to sure at first If I should or not but just be cause what happened did  happened doesn't mean a child doesn't deserve a life to live" I said low and steady to make sure I didn't speak to fast and trip over my words.

" I hope I'm not crossing a line here since we just met but can I ask something" she said so light I could barley hear.

"Sure I don't mind I guess I need to be open about things to get them off my chest to make myself feel better and so that I dot put stress on the baby" I said calmly

She perked up a bit and asked "are you going to tell him or keep it in New Orleans and krp him her a secret" she asked curiously

"I am going to kept him/her a secret in New Orleans" I said flatly

Stiles Michelson (MxB)Where stories live. Discover now