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Hey guys srry again about not updating

Stiles pov

I stormed outside with more anger than ever and my family was right on my tail (hehe no pun intended) Klaus showed up beside me in wolf form snapping his giant jaws ready to kill he hale that dared to show his face after 4 months ago. As soon as his eyes saw me they locked in on my stomach he was clearly surprised to see me like this I didn't care I saw red.My stomach wasn't helping me be anymore intimidating then I wanted to be I probably looked like an angry teddy bear with my baby bump. I walked right up to Derek and punched him as hard as I could I was still angry at him I have been since my last night in Beacon Hills he betrayed and hurt me more than ever, I watched him fall to ground looking weak, I have never seen that from Derek  he's always been the big tough alpha but not right now I guess, Ace held me back when I went to go kick Derek my anger getting the best of me yet my mates warm touch seemed to calm me down and he pulled me into his arms which allowed me to breath in his scent calming me more. Klaus on the other hand wouldn't allow anyone to touch him a he stalked to Derek head low intending to kill the trespassing alpha. Although out noble brother interjected...of course

"Now now Nik calm yourself let's see what the mutt wishes befor we get rash"he spoke in his normally stern and serious voice  although Nikky didn't like that as he just whipped his head around and growled deep within his chest but complied knowing he didn't want trouble with our brother

"Now that Eli saved ur ass what do you want mutt" bekah suddenly cut in you could hear her holding herslef back from something rash aswell it's common between us me and my siblings have low patience and an intention to kill fast to get something out of outer hands

"I want to see my son and him to know about me because I doubt stiles has told MY son about his real father" Derek spat standing up watching Nikky closely  so he would see an attack coming

"Not happening mutt he does know about you and doesn't ever want to meet you he knows what you've done to me and hates you more than anything"I snap out fast getting annoyed with him the audacity he has I feel Ace rumble behind me and lean more into him I glace at each of my brothers and sister before I realize that Hailey isn't here then it dawns apron me that she's with the children

"THAT ISNT FAIR IM HIS FATHER I DESEREVE TO KNOW HIM ITS MY RIGHT AS HIS FATEHR!" Derek shout out of rage I could see it written all over his face he was pissed yet I didn't give a single fuck what he wanted

"You may be the sperm donor that helped make MY son yet you will never be his father not after what you did to me before I left you broke me and he doesn't want anything to do with you either Ace is and always has been his father and Bruno has always wanted him moe than you and sees him as his real father and Ace sees bruno as his  !" I speak slowly letting it sink into us thick ass skin he's starting to rile me up again it his next words made me loose it

"I deserve to know him you have a demon with that bastard you think is ur mate let me know MY son" you spoke lowly yet all of us heard it I lunged yet Ace held me back Nik snapped yet Elijah held him back not a ting to start something right now

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY MATE AND BABY YOU DISRESPECTFUL ASS MUTT GO TO HELL AND BURN"I screamed while trying to get out of Ace's arms to kill Derek for saying suck things

"YOU BELONG TO ME STILES YOU ALWAYS HAVE NOT THAT BASTARD" he snapped quickly which angered Ace yet he still held me in place and soon dragged my body to his eyes full rings of a cream yellow like the full moon that's when Elijah piped up again tank God

"I think it's time for you to leave mutt your starting to make the manor smell and clearly angering my brothers and sisters which isn't good mostly for stiles with the baby so leave before I allow Nik to kill you Derek could see he was serious as Eli never lies about family and quickly left yet I knew he would be back it Derek after all we all walked back into the house I hadn't known beofre but I was crying him saying those things got to me a little I immediately sped walked to Bruno my sweet boy and picked him up and held him close he didn't see my tears so started giggling and hugged back he's my baby I love him my baby...Mine!

Hey guys I'm so freaking srry I haven't updated in almost a year watt pad wasn't working for me but now it is so enjoy this new chapter I hope y'all like it😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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