What do you all want!

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This is dedicated to Bored-With-A-Brain I had bad writers block and she helped me with this great idea so thank Bored-With-A-Brain

Derek's pov

They all looked confused by my out burst it was funny

"What do u mean Bruno's yours?" Liam asked annoyed I don't know why though

"Uhh....me and Stiles slept together before he left but he never told me he was pregnant" I lied but they believed me since I can control my heat beat when I lie

"WHAT" they all screamed and damn it hurt my ears

"Uhh...ya" I said cautiously

"How could not tell u the father or us his pack" Scott said mad

"Scott do u not remember that u guys Kicked him out just because he was a weak human well he's not he's an Flipping Original Hybrid so no ur not his pack any more and u weren't when he got pregnant" I sneered

They all went quite and I walked off before they could say anything else.

Scotts pov

I was fumming that stiles didn't tell me, HIS BEST FRIEND, that he was pregnant and that derek is the father ughh I can't belive it...but we did kick him out but if was for his protection we didn't know that he was a 1,000 year old hybrid nor a ripper....WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A RIPPER WAS!!!!!!!

"...cott....scott...Scott...SCOTTTTTTTTT" Isaac yelled into my ear

"What" I sneered back cause he hurt my ears

"We were saying that maybe we should go talk to stiles and ask him why...like we should go to the mikaelson Manor and talk to him to figure everything out" he said innocently god I love him I'm so happy he's my mate he's soon cuteeeee (oh ya I'm bi and issac's is my precious mate...back to the story)

"Ya that sounds good I'm super pissed that he didn't tell us before he left god why does he have to be so stupid sometimes" I growled and issac's grabbed my hand to sooth me

"It's alright babe well figure everything out I promise now plz calm down ur scaring me a bit" he cooed lightly making me calm down even more.

"Alright let's go" I said in my alpha voice to get everybody's attention

Time skip

We were in front of the huge Manor and God was it beautiful the vines and cracks make it unique. We walked strait in because there was no gate I guess when ur the most powerful vampires (and hybrids) in the world u don't need a gate.I heard a growl and the a woosh of air and suddenly and angry stiles was in front of me his blood red glowing eyes staring me dead in the eyes and his fangs bared to show he was ager of our intrusion,I mean with everything we did to him I wouldn't blame him but im still pissed at him.

"Why the hell are u here" he sneered and growled at us I could feel the ager rolling off of him in waves and even if I'm the true alpha that shit scared me

"Were here to talk not harm you nor your child" issac's spoke in a calm voice gut I could practically taste the fear coming of of him because of stiles but he kept his cool

"And why is that I don't want you here nor you're pack Scott" he spoke calm but spoke my name with venom

"Mommy" it was faint but you could here the child's tired little voice,and we all look up to see Bruno standing there watching us yawning and rubbing his eyes. Stiles used his vampires speed to get to Bruno and picked him up

"What's wrong bub" stiles cooed at the small boy in his arms and gave the child soft loving eyes

"Why was there yelling" the small child asked now fully awake

" Some of momma's old friend came and I didn't want them here I'm srry fir waking you up bun do you want to go back to sleep" he asked softly to the little boy but Bruno shook his head no so stiles sighed and brought him down stairs with his and sat down on one of the couches. He looked each one of us in the eyes before he austen Bruno on his lap

"What do we need to talk about "

~hey guys I'm alive and I'm thanking Bored-With-A-Brain so much for giving me this ideas and there is 2 chapters to it well I've gtg love guys so much and thank u again for the support byeeeeee!!!!love youuuuuuu!!!!!!

Stiles Michelson (MxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें