chapter 1

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So this is an image of Isabel its (Maia Mitchell) i think she's the perfect fit


I woke up this morning feeling dizzy, I can't help but wonder that it's because I haven't eaten a thing yesterday, my life wasn't like this thinking about it makes my heart ache, losing both my parents and my soul at the same time no wonder I don't feel like living any more, I am broken yet holding on but I never know what am I holding on to?

every day passes with less food, less clothes and less happiness.3 years ago we were happy, we weren't rich but also we never starved, I was 16 when I lost them my mother died in a car crash which was weird because she never did drove a car before, my father was the supporter of the family he worked so hard to provide us a happy life but after my mother's death he was broken. He drank the grief out of his soul for days he would disappear after a few months a man showed up to our front door saying that he died, after that our world came crumpling down to pieces.

"Isabell come here" Lina shouted

I got up fast trying to find my balance with my aching head then went straight to her. I am currently living with my older sister, she once had a happy life with her two kids and a happy marriage she never shows it but I know she is broken too, she lost her husband after our parents died he left because we were going poor and said that he couldn't handle sharing his little salary to all of us including his wife and kids, he was a jerk but she always would defend him she is blind not wanting to hear the truth.

"Good morning" I manage to breath out

Silence. Which I am used to

We are managing these days by a strangers help he always transfer a good amount of money every month we are thankful to him but we never know who he is, finding a job in this little village is hard, Lina (my older sister) didn't care about me her privilege is her children, Sara 3 years old and Ben is 5. They are so young for this kind of life, she always spends the money on them and I never get my share. 

"You wanted something from me?" I ask 

"Pack up your shit" she firmly says

"wha-" I was cut off by her

"Don't ask me anything just do as your told, pack up everything that belongs to you and then I will explain just go do it now" she said with an angry expression

I froze in my spot

Why are we packing?

Are we getting out of this village?

So many questions rooming around my head but I pull it together and head off to my room its true my sister treats me bad but I still respect her she is going through a lot and I really don't want to make it harder on her.

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