chapter 7

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Here is Locus 😍👏🏻 (perfection)


I groaned as Daniel left the office I know that it's not right to hide it from him and I can tell its disturbing him  but the note clearly states not to tell anyone and I intend to keep it that way, I have to show him that I am a man of my own. strong and independent.

I shook my thoughts away and with a sigh stood up put on my jacket and stormed out of the office.

As I was heading to my room I thought about checking on my new guest first, I've been eager to meet her.

Going down the stairs and into the narrow aisle, there are about five aisles like this one down here each one containing two rooms on the right and two on the left, of course the first floor is bigger that is for me and some of my most trusted men only.

As I was getting closer I noticed that the door is broken I immediately took my gun out and entered the room with caution searching for intruders my eyes shot open when two of my man came in sight they were knocked out covered in blood I don't believe their dead yet seriously injured. My gaze shifted to the bathroom door I tucked in my gun then tried to open it but it was locked I started to shake the door hard while saying "open up or I swear I will f*cking break this door over your head" with an angry tone

There was no answer then slowly I heard the lock twist and without hesitation I pushed the door open with all force granted in me then her figure showed up well I didn't expect that.

she looked weak and fragile her wide eyes staring back at mine, I tensed up before saying ""what is this mess?" I pointed to the two men in the bedroom "why are there two men of mine laying in your floor covered in blood?" I shouted

She lowered down her head trying to fight back a cry, well damn I am not in the mood for crying baby's      

"Answer me" I growled impatiently, if she wants to cry so be it but after I get my answers

   "I-i" she stuttered clearly frighten, well good I want her to be scared of me

She took a long breath then closed her eyes "th-they broke my door and tried to attack me i-I fought back it wasn't my fault" she shakenly said, why would they attack her didn't I warn them that I want her safe and untouched how could they disobey me. Am I getting weak does my man no longer see me as strong as before I have to correct this I have to show everyone who's the boss here.   

"Get out of the bathroom" I shouted. As she started to head to the bedroom I fixed my gaze on her. her body was slim it looks like she doesn't eat a lot her hair is dark yet has this mesmerizing glow

I followed her out then called one of the guards "take those piece of shit out of my sight and lock them away I will deal with them later" I ordered

Then shift my gaze to her i saw something in her hand, she was clinging on to it like her life depended on it. I got so pissed when I saw that it was a phone "A phone? Where did you get that from?" my sight never leaving what's on her hand oh god I hope she didn't call the police for help they could track down the place so without hesitation i snatched it from her grip  "who did you call?" I furiously asked "answer me or I swear you will never see daylight again" Damn this girl is getting on my nerves

She gulps nervously "my- my sister" she finally answers in fear

I show off a smirk "that's it?" i asked she nods "sweetheart your sister sold you to me and she is getting lodes of money out of you so do you still believe that she wants you back? The funny part is she begged me to" I say with a wide grin, I want her to feel powerless and small i don't want her walking around thinking that she can smash my men and be on with it that's unacceptable I mean don't get me wrong they deserved it and thank god they didn't touch her it's just I don't want her to think that she owns the place and do whatever crosses her mind.

She clearly starts to shake while tears pour down her face I felt a hint of something but I shake it off  

"You will be staying here till morning it's already past midnight try to get some sleep and don't worry one of my men will guard your broken door mainly so you won't try and make another stunt " I say while heading out

I start to walk away from her room, am I being tough? No she disserves this. calling her sister and all, where does she think she is in a hotel, but one question was stuck in my mind, how in the world does a skinny woman like her beat the crap out of my men.

I manage to clear my head as I walk to my office I opened one of the shelf's next to my table took out a piece of paper and benched myself on the chair taking a deep breath I started to read my father's letter it's been three years since I heard from him he never called nor tried to contact me.  Just a few days earlier he sent this and what! full of commands that I know nothing about I mean what's the point in doing this but I did it, just to prove to him that I can be stronger than he thinks and hopefully it will all be clear soon.

Confusing right? Well as he said:"it will all be clear soon"
Next chapter is a smasher so don't miss it 

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