chapter 8

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"What the hell happened here?!" Daniel's scream woke me up from a deep slumber

He rushed inside without waiting for the guy standing outside the room to answer. I felt the bed sink in so I opened my eyes slowly not wanting the daylight to blind me. 

"Hey, what happened? Are you ok?" I was confused by his worried expression. But who am I kidding a broken door! Shattered glass all over the room! A nearly broken bathroom door! Yeah that seals the deal

I try to hold back a cry regaining the memories of yesterday he seem to notice it as he wraps an arm around me and hugs me soothingly

"Thank you" I mummer.  It felt weird as I only met the guy yesterday but it helped and I am thankful for that.

"Don't mention it" he replies "So do you mind telling me now about the incident, I could ask Kevin out there" he points to the guy guarding the room "But I'd rather hear it from you"

I nod and start to lay it all to him I told him that after he left two man broke the door and tried to attack me but I managed to get out of it after that came this angry man who blamed me on this and started to boss me around he was horrible to me.

"You met Locus?!" his eyes widen

"I'm not sure but I guess he was Lucas" I replay unevenly

"Going back to the incident; I really don't know what to say maybe they thought you one of the other girls who were ok with this. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have left you without a guard" he says his gaze rooming around the room

I look him in the eye and say "It wasn't your fault Daniel you shouldn't be blaming yourself"

I had this thought for a second to gain Daniels trust and make him take me out then escape. But I couldn't he's the only person being nice to me in here I couldn't do this to him so I gave it up and started to think about a new one. I can't live every day frighten that one of the man will come any second and attack me maybe next time I won't be so lucky, so I have to get out of here. And hopefully soon

"Hey, wanna go take a walk in the backyard garden?" Daniel asks making me blink my thoughts away

"Yeah sure, that would be nice" I reply with a faint smile

"Let's go" he cheers jumping out of the bed I laugh at his juvenile behaver, I think he's trying to cheer me up, can't deny that it's working

As we head out, the fresh breeze hits my senses damn I feel relaxed already, he takes my hand and guides me around the huge backyard there are so many types of flowers and trees planted in here and they all look mesmerizing as we walk furthermore, I started to get cold and rub my hands together, Daniel removes his jacket and drops it on my shoulder

"Thank you that was sweet of you" I mutter not wanting to meet his gaze

"No problem, and by the way I'm always sweet you should spend more time with me and get to know me better" he smirks

"I think we can manage that" I say laughing letting go of the horrible reality I am stuck in. I tend to do that a lot when I am with him.

Suddenly my stomach starts to growl from hunger I haven't eaten anything yesterday.

He chokes out a little laugh, Oh god I feel so embarrassed

"Don't be its normal" he smiles at me

My cheeks turn red "did I---"

He cuts me off "yes you did, now let's go eat" he starts to drag me inside

As we were heading inside I took one last glance at the backyard trying to memorize every inch of it .of course escaping will not be easy due to the armed man surrounding the place but I have my charm and I hope it will not fail me now.

As we were getting closer to our destination Daniel stops and stares at me

I try to shake things up "hey, is everything fine?"

"Yeah, I mean I want to ask you something if that's ok" he says

"Sure go ahe---" I try to say but got cut off by an amused looking man walking down the stairs I believe is Locus

"Glad to see you are Ok" Locus grins at me

"Pal I wanted to talk to you urge---" Locus raises his hand to stop Daniel from speaking. How rued, Daniel looked surprised, if I was in his shoes id slap some manners into him.

His hand travel near me, pulling the jacket aggressively from my shoulder. I gasp by the sudden act

"Do you know how much this costs?" turning his gaze to Daniel "Don't you ever take it off of you and hand it to a person like her" he almost spat then looks at me in disgust 

I fight the urge to slap him in the face but I stopped when I saw Daniel nod in approval I couldn't believe him. Why isn't he saying anything I get that he is the boss and all but he doesn't have the right to disrespect us.

"and you" Locus sneers at me, he raises a finger up then guides it down my gaze following his finger till it reached the ground "good girl, now that's what you will be staring at when me or one of my man pass by. Understood?" he remarks in power. God how I hate every inch of him

I stay silent not wanting to meet his gaze or so help me god I will unleash all my fury on him. I have no idea how I managed to fight the tears in my eyes I felt ashamed like I am a nobody he made me feel worthless. It was a damn jacket how could he state that the jacket worth more than me how could he shatter my pride into pieces like it is nothing

I was snapped out of my thoughts when his index finger lifted my chin up . oh god oh no he's going to hurt me

"You will answer me when I talk to you" he sneers in anger "or I promise. You will know pain"

I gulp nervously "yes"

"Yes what?" he asks with a half grin, god how I wanted to slap him and his stupid grins

I reply "yes, sir" I felt pathetic, I wanted to knock my face on the wall so bad

"Good, now go to the kitchen and ask for Maria tell her I sent you" he speaks, then walks away leaving me with a broken pried and an ashamed Daniel.

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