chapter 19

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"BOSS WAKE UP THERE IS AN ATTACK" I jumped from my slumber to the voice of a frantic man

"WHAT!!" Locus's strong voice appeared from behind me

he jumped out of the bed quickly pulled out a shirt and head out of the room in a heartbeat.

I'm still dazed so I thought about heading back to sleep, till I heard sounds of screams and bullets which made me jump up in fright.

I'm chained I can't hide nor do I have a weapon and why would we be in an attack is it the police?
are they finally here to rescue me?

My brain froze when I saw the doorknob twist.

I tried to hide my self by squeezing in between the bed and a couch,
I heard footsteps approaching me which made my heart fall out of its place.

please be a cop. please be a cop I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard him gasp he found me.

"belle" Daniel's voice came from above me

I quickly opened my eyes and pulled him down in a bone crushing hug "Thank god you're ok" I cried out in his embrace

"I'm fine but we need to get you out of here" he says in worry

"what's going on? Who are they?" nobody ever told me what is this place supposed to be and why are they all guarded up and ready to attack anything that crosses their path but I'm done now I need to know the truth.

"It's not the right time to have this conversation, please cooperate with me and do as I say" Daniel muffs out but I am not backing up

"And it will never be Daniel, so tell me now. tell me who is Locus and why do you all carry weapons and follow his commands " I argued hoping he will talk so we can get out of here

He huffs in surrender knowing he will not win this battle "Locus is my boss who owns one of the biggest MAFIA organizations in the world, the attackers may or may not be one of our competitors who want us dead in any way possible " I gasp in shock I have been disrespecting the f*cking MAFIAs Boss!!! I can't believe it didn't occur to me I mean yeah there all scary and full of weapons but MAFIA!! Seriously

"I'm sorry I wanted to tell you earlier but---" Daniel got cut off by the sound of the door bursting open followed by three man entering the room they were fully armed while there faces were covered they looked intimidating.

"We don't want to cause any more trouble" the first guy says to us as he enters "So just give us the girl and will be on our way" he claims while staring at me

ME! What. Why would he want me as if reading my mind Daniel shouts "What do you want from her?"

"She means a lot to my boss. Now give us the girl" he tries to pull me but Daniel manages to push me behind him

"Over my dead body" Daniel sneers at him

"As you wish" the man replies while nodding to the guys guarding the door

They start to head towards us and I panic they are three he is only one he could never make it so I try to convince him "Daniel please don't, you are outnumbered and they have guns"

"Isabelle if you want to save him come with us" the man says in a series tone

"yo-you know my name!" I state in shock

who the hell is he? I have never known a man in my life except for two my father who is clearly dead and my sister's husband who's an idiot and can never do all of this.

"ISABEELLE GO" Daniel pushes me to the other side but I didn't even move one foot I was chained didn't he notice that???

He steps in front challenging the man. How stupid could he be

I sat down trying as hard as I could to break my chains but nothing was working suddenly I heard the sound of the door bursting open and in came Locus with Tony behind him.

Then the sound of gun fires filled the room, I shut my eyes and dug myself closer to the bed not knowing what to do and when the sounds died off the smell of blood blocked my nose I hate it because with blood comes death.

I opened my eyes to the view of four men laying lifeless on the floor but the catch here the bad guys were only three!!!


Sooo who do you think is the fourth one ?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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