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In 1996 Brian Bethel was making his way to his office in Alibene Texas. In the dimly lit area before the theatres, he was seated in his car in the parking lot, when young boys knocking on his window. The boys were approximately ten years old and as he described them as "a somewhat suave, olive-skinned, curly-headed young man" and "a redheaded, pale-skinned, freckled young man". The boys wore hooded pullovers.

The first boy explained that the two of them had come to watch a premier of "Mortal Kombat" at the theatre, but had forgotten their money in their mother's house. They, therefore, requested a ride to their mother's house to fetch their money and get back to the theatre. All the while as conversation ensued, Bethel was consumed by an irrational fear. The boy tried to convince him with assurances like: "It wouldn't take long, they were just two little kids, they didn't have a gun or anything."

Bethel subconsciously reached out to open his car door, when he suddenly broke his vision of the boy, and came to notice his coal-black eyes, eyes he described as "Soulless orbs like two great swathes of starless night." Trying to keep his behavior normal, bethel muttered a few excuses, pulled at the gear, and rushed away with his car. As he stared at the rear-view mirror, he found that the children had just vanished, within seconds.

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