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People have reported ghosts manifest their presence and behave in a wide variety of ways. Some of these ways are inconsistent (such as passing through solid objects but also moving solid objects). Ghosts are said to appear visually (as an apparition), create environmental anomalies (temperature changes, mists, air movements, sounds), move objects, make people feel ill, physically touch or apply force to living beings, manifest sounds (voices, crying, growling, moaning) or smells, create sound beyond normal human hearing (recorded electronic voice phenomena), manipulate magnetic or digital recording devices or powered objects, write words, manipulate devices to communicate words (ghost/spirit box, word generating devices), affect dowsing rods, communicate directly through those who have special psychic talent (mediums, sensitives), disregard physical encumbrances (walk through walls), use technology devices (send text messages and make phone calls). Almost any strange or not obviously explainable experience may be attributed to a ghost.

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