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Here are some of the scariest 5 word stories. Comment on which one you think is the scariest.

1. Your browser history is public

2. Living alone, door is unlocked

3. We lost internet access. Forever

4. Hard drive failed, no backups

5. Alone in bed, blanket shifts

6. Strangers. Friends. Lovers. Strangers again

7. Wife screams, at her funeral

8. You didn't kill that spider

9. She lied about birth control

10. You woke up suddenly, buried alive

11. Last person alive hears knocking

12. Her heart stopped. She didn't.

13. That door was just closed

14. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday

15. Narrow staircase, no shoes, Legos

16. Just saw my reflection blink

17. It enjoys watching you sleep

18. Then my shadow stepped closer

19. Door opens. Empty. Footsteps approach

20. Wake. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

21. Justin Bieber will probably breed

22. Whatever you do, don't blink

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