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Tips to look out for in paranormal videos

1. Audio, video or phones will NEVER serve as a conclusive proof of 'paranormal' phenomena - media is not only misunderstood, it's easily manipulated. Everything that is submitted as evidence is carried with a silent requirement the trust the source.

2. No matter how 'in control and grounded' you claim to be, your brain can and DOES continue to fool you. No one is immune - people are exceeding hard to convince when it come to doubting their own perceptions. We all want to believe that our senses are reliable, our rationalization skill are top-notch and our brains are above ordinary. The sad truth is we're all the same and our brains are jerks.

3. The shining credibility doesn't make the experience more believable - it's no secret that everybody lies. The credibility could have been easily bought by a silly act and motivation to make a quick buck.

4. Any equipment that requires the 'interpretation' of non-repeatable results is fake - in any paranormal devices that require interpretation, the investigator is simple looking for any unusual reaction, especially the ones that ties to 'paranormal activity'. A similar instance is a doctor with a heart monitor. A doctor actually KNOWS what the heart monitor should read in order to determine the patient is healthy. The truth is the explorers really don't know with any certainty what a paranormal experience 'should' read.

5. There has never been any credible, demonstrable research to even suggest the plausibility of life beyond death - every thing from every near-death experience to scientific claims of souls could be proven wrong by other science. Again, the brain and body play against us at times, and fooling us with the thought of an after life may be one of them.

Don't get me wrong though. I love the idea of life after death. Having a second chance to accomplish all the things you wanted or redeem yourself. But sadly, we'll never truly know unless our times come. Pretty scary to think about, huh?

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