Happy Birthday

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You opened the door, and you saw the 12 hedgehogs lying down on separate beds. You giggled as you walked towards them. You were first curious about why it was called Happy Birthday, but now you know why. You saw frosting on the hedgehogs' members, and they were all smirking at you to have some. You first walked to Sonic. He winked at you and licked his lips. You blushed and giggled at how cute he was with the frosting on his face. You came close, and licked the frosting smoothly off his member. While doing that, you were rubbing his tail, causing him to purr. When you were done, you went straight to Sonic's lips, and kissed them. After the kiss, Sonic said to you:

"You're a lot faster than I thought~~~~~."

You giggled and walked off, before you left, Sonic gave you a slap on the behind, causing you to blush. You then walked to Shadow, and was surprised on how serious he was with the frosting on his member. You walked to him and licked it off, and rubbing your hand against his chest fur. Shadow smiled slowly as he was feeling your hand along his fur. You then gave him a kiss, and he said:

"You have truly shown me your ultimate power~~~~~."

You smiled, walked off, and received a slap on your behind. You walked to Silver, licked the frosting off his member, and rubbed your hand along his chest fur. You then gave him a kiss, and he said:

"It was no use, but somehow, you were able to resist my power~~~~~."

You blushed, and received your slap on the behind. You did the same thing to the remaining hedgehog boys. Licking off all their frosting, giving them kisses, receiving birthday spankings, and hearing their voices to you.

Scourge: "You have the body made for a queen~~~~~."

Sanctum: "It seems you have truly 'cum' into the shadows~~~~~."

Steel: "What makes you evil is how much you stole my heart~~~~~."

Manic: "I'm too cool to be hot. You must be too hot to be cool~~~~~."

Rob o': "Thy corse and lips amaze me~~~~~."

Hazen: "Thoust lips are filled with witchcraft~~~~~."

Venice: "The only thing I cannot resist, is your beauty~~~~~."

When you got to Mephiles, you licked his frosting off, you couldn't tell where his lips are so you decided to guess. You kissed the middle of his muzzle, and received your slap.

Mephiles: "It seems you have have tricked me with your kinkiness, my dear~~~~~."

Finally, you went to Nazo. His frosting against his member awaited you. You walked to it and sucked it deeply, getting all the frosting in your mouth. You then gave him a kiss, and he said:

Nazo: "I don't know how you are able to infatuate all of us, but I must admit, you are highly impressive~~~~~."

After the last spanking, the level was complete. But before you left they all have you one last kiss on your lips. And winked you goodbye. You smiled at them all, and walked out the exit. Right when you did, everything turned white.

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