Jake (old)

38 2 6

trigger warning: self harm

He is all you want. All you desire.

All everyone wants to be or have.

His talk is honey. His walk is calm.

His tight jeans and his delicate features.

His thin hair that washes over his carefully sculpted face.

All anyone sees is a picture of delicacy.

But when you turn your back, he revels in the person who he has become.

The person who litters his body with pain because

He's so worthless.

And so he carves into his soft skin and he cries while his skin burns. He curses the drunk man yelling downstairs as he twists the blade.

He smiles as he slips his finger through the cherry red and presses on his release.

And it hurts so good.

And when he walks down the hall with his same walk, his same talk, his same smile that he fakes.

Everyone stares in awe.

And his smile drops because

He's so ugly

that everyone can't take their eyes away.

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