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The monster under my bed. When my happiness is without, he lets me tell him all the things that I cannot get out.

I tell him of the others that have left me in the dust. The ones I always thought would stay, the ones who held my trust.

He listens in utter silence as I let my worries go, and he answers very wisely, his words delicate and slow.

"My dear child, listen here. Listen, and be good. You'll listen to the things I say for no one else would.

"Here's a thing that you should know because no one else will say, and don't you cry because there's a time this will save your day. 

"The people that will tear you up, never really cared. And the ones you say love you so, aren't even there. So don't go spilling your lonely thoughts to me on how you feel,

"Because I am just a monster, and I'm not even real."

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