3: Silence Please

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Desirae's POV

I watched Soren fall down the stairs. I don't know why, but it was entertaining. It also got my mind off of Jordan's death. It was actually pretty sad. I was just getting to know her. What could have possibly killed her? No one I know of would have killed her. She was a sweet girl from what I can remember. Who would kill her? Or what exactly killed her?

Since my mom drove me to school, I was stuck outiside alone. Anna wouldn't show up for another twenty minutes. And Marisa, Emily, and Alex all ride the bus. Those bus traitors. Why ride a bus? They suck. But being a car rider wasn't exactly a good thing all the time. Oh well.

While I sat outside, I saw a couple running around a tree. Ew. Watching couples makes me sick. They are all lovey dovey and it is just gross. Kill me. Please?

My butt was starting to hurt from sitting on the steps outside. It really hurt. Concrete hurts the bottom. Painful. So I decided to walk around for a little bit. Why not?

While walking past an apple tree, it reminded me that I was hungry. What can I eat? Starving... Food...

I threw my backpack to the ground, then tore it up to find something. I found a jellybean at the bottom, but it had hair on it. Nope. No chance. So I threw it to the ground. Then I continued roaming in my trashcan of a backpack.

Eventually, I found a muffin. I was still completely wrapped up, so it was just a bit flat. Perfectly good. And it was double chocolate. Can't reject it. Yum...

I crammed half of it into my mouth, and some of the chocolate chips melted into my mouth. That's why these are my favorite. I can't get enough. Can't I just have a stash of these in my locker? But I would have to clean it out in about a week. Almost summer break. Finally...

As I walked and ate, I heard very loud footsteps. Like someone was stomping. So I turned around, but no one was there. Weird. Since no one was there, I kept walking over to the bleachers. My favorite spot. It's quiet, and I can watch stupid boys hit each other in football. That's fun too. I watched Soren fall down the stairs outside, so this just makes it even better.

Hearing more stomps near me, I looked around again. Still no one there. What was happening? Someone stalking me? It was probably Soren. I always knew he was a creepy stalker. I just knew it.

As I watched the football guys fall over, I happened to start laughing. It was just so funny. One fell on his face. How is that not funny? If you wouldn't laugh at that, you don't have a soul.

But as I laughed, I accidentally starting choking. This is why you don't eat and laugh. I tried to get myself to stop, but I was choking choking. But no one was around to see it. Was I about to die?

When things looked hopeless, I heard more footsteps. Some is coming. Thank goodness.

But as I looked over to the person, they had a ghost face mask on. Who would wear that in the summer? It's too hot. As I hoped they would help, my eyes started to water. Why weren't they helping me?

Finally, they went behind me. Finally going to help me. But I was wrong.

They wrapped a noose around my neck very quickly and tugged me over to the edge of the bleachers. They were trying to kill me.

I tried to speak, but all I got out was, "No... Muffin..."

Then they pushed me over the edge. The noose got tighter over my neck, and I definitely couldn't breath now. Not only would the muffin have killed, but this psycho was too. I tried to break loose, but it was extremely tight. The more I struggled, the darker my vision got.

But right before I blacked out, I heard, "Have a nice time in hell."

Emily's POV

Riding the bus gave me headaches sometimes. Alex would be singing, and that made my head hurt worse. Could he just shut up sometimes. I knew what would get him to shut up.

"Hey Alexander, guess what!"

"What Em?" He asked, finally stopped singing.

"My family is going to Florida this summer! Finally! I get to experience another state!" I cheered, finally smiling. I have never been out of state. This was a big deal.

"You are leaving? But I will miss you... We had plans..." He cried.

"We only had plans to go the library to talk every once in a while you little weirdo." I rolled my eyes. He just gave me that puppy dog face of his. Not going to work this time. "I am going Alex! This is finally the year I get to go somewhere! Now stop. I will only be gone two weeks anyway. Now stop." He can be such a baby.

I got off the bus, and Marisa was leaning against the wall waiting on me. She didn't care for Alex much. Oh well.

"Marisssssssa!" I yelled, running over to her. She just gave me one of her weird faces.

"Emmmmmmily! What do you want?" She asked.

"I'm going to Florida this summer!" I cried with joy.

"Alright, how many chores did you have to do to convince your parents?" She crossed her arms. She knows me so well.

"I did ten chores. I will not name them all, but just know that. Ten." I sighed. Marisa just shook her head, but then Anna was walking but behind her. Trying to scare her.

"MARISA!!" Anna shouted as she jumped on her back. I swear I literally saw Marisa jump out of her skin from fright. Nice.

"You grasshole!" Marisa shouted, shaking Anna off her back. "You scared the fudge out of me."

I forgot. Marisa never cusses. She uses words like that. Oh well. That makes her Marisa.

"EMILY!!" Alex shouted as he jumped onto my shoulders. I was so scared I was about to pee my pants. Of course he did this to me. I should have seen it coming.

"You little ass!" I yelled, pushing him off my shoulder.

We all kind of stood there. It was actually a pretty awkward moment. So I broke the silence.

"I'm going to Florida Anna!"

Anna just stood there. "But we had plans!" She cried.

"I will only be gone for two weeks. Don't worry. All of our plans will still be happening." I sighed. But then Alex stepped in.

"Sorry to go off topic, but has anyone seen Desirae?"

(If there are any grammar errors, ignore them.)

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