7: Best Wishes

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Alex's POV

The corpse was too scary to look at. I closed my eyes, covered them, and waited for the others to inspect it. By covering my eyes, I still didn't see who the corpse belong to.

"Oh my god!" I heard Anna shriek. Her shrieks were very annoying, but of course I wasn't going to tell her that. Telling her was a death wish. Just let it go.

"It's Calum!" Emily cried, then I heard rustling. Oh no, another one of the four idiots Emily hangs out with are dead. First Luke, then Calum. Who's next? Please say the red haired doofus.

"Poor guy. Looks like he got stabbed to death. But when did he even go missing anyway?" I asked, finally having the guts to look, "Looks like he's been dead for days. What he was killed the same day as Jordan?" 

We all shrugged, but of course, Emily had to go stand next to the corpse. Who's crazy enough to do that? The guy is dead, covered in dry blood, and Emily starts digging a hole. Wait, what?

"Em, what the hell are you doing? Don't you dare touch that thing! You know it's starting to decay! Leave that dead thing alone!" Anna yelled, going to slap her on the head. Oo, best friend argument. Glad I uncovered my eyes for this. "Step away from the body, let's go."

"No fucking way! Calum was my friend! You guys may not have known him, but I did!" Emily yelled, standing up.

"We aren't going to stay here and get killed! We need to get back to Marisa's. And Alex needs to get back home before his mommy finds out he sneaked out to hang out with a girl. Now come on." Anna demanded. 

I felt a bit offended. My parents knew I left. I told them I was going to hang out with Robert and not Emily, but oh well. And I am not a momma's boy. My mom cares deeply for me, and she knows I will come home eventually.

One thing is for sure, we do need to leave. If we stay, we could encounter the killer and be next. We already have a couple friends dead. No one else needs to go. Hopefully Anna can convince Em to come.

But once Anna started to walk away, Emily didn't even budge. What was up with that girl? We really needed to go.

"Emily, let's go. We don't need to stick around and get killed. Calum will decay. He'll be fine. Now let's go." Anna sighed, going to pull her away.

"No! I am going to bury him properly! Now go without me!" Emily yelled. But once Anna looked at me, I knew what she wanted me to do. Oh god. Not again. This is going to kill me.

I walked over to Em, then I picked her up and put her over my shoulder. Dang she's so heavy. This is going to kill me.

"Put me down Alexander!" Emily screeched, then she started punching and kicking me as I carried her.

"None of us are dying today. And I don't want to be killed by Anna because we ditched you. So I am stuck carrying you. Which I hate as much as you do." I sighed, my shoulder starting you hurt.

Anna checked her phone, and it was already almost three in the morning. Dang. But I just remembered that we had lost Marisa. "Anna, we still have to find Marisa."

"Damn, you are right. I have an idea. You stay here with Em and I-" Anna was starting to say before we heard a scream near by. It sounded like Marisa.

We both took off running, and Emily bounced up and down on my shoulder. Oops, I forgot to put her down. But as I ran, Anna was running way faster than me. Is she actually faster than me? Or am I being weighed down by Emily's weight? Whatever it was, Anna was starting to disappear from view.

"Anna! Slow down! I don't plan on being left behind with the grumpy person on my shoulder!" I shouted, still running after her. If she did anything at all, she sped up then turned into the bushes. I ducked in behind her.

We found Marisa, and she was cut pretty bad on her knee.

"What happened?" I asked, putting Em down so I could examine her knee.

"I was attacked by a person in a ghost face mask. He heard bushes rustling, and he was about to slash my neck. But you guys got closer and he ended up not paying attention and got my knee instead. How that was possible, I don't even know." Marisa cried, trying to stay calm.

"We gotta get you home." Emily sighed, having my pick Marisa up bridal style. Why do I have to carry everyone?


I got to stay at Marisa's, so I stayed to help her care for the wound. I have little brothers and sisters, so I know how to take care of most injuries. But since I am the only one experienced with it, I was stuck doing it by myself.

"Marisa, I have to get going. I have to help pack for Florida. You guys come over in about an hour. So I can say good bye before I leave." Emily sighed, walking out as we all nodded.

I was done patching up Marisa's knee, but we all sat there awkwardly. Marisa and Anna didn't really care for me. They just hung out with me because of Emily. Wow, now that I think about it, most of these friendships are held together because of Emily. Never realized that until now. Weird. I guess she's the glue that sticks us together.

"So, what are we going to tell Emily when she comes back if one of us dies?" Anna sighed, breaking the silence.

"Don't say that. No one else is going to die. There's us three, and the two other boys that Emily hangs out with but I can't remember their names." Marisa sighed, rubbing her sore knee.

"I know we all aren't buddy buddy, but we might as well as Emily is away. None of us want to be the one who explains to Emily why certain ones of us die. So let's stick together so no one gets killed. You two girls in?" I requested, looking at them both. But they both exchanged looks.

"By sticking together, we can still go to the bathroom alone right?" Anna asked, looking at me.

"Yes. I don't want girls in the bathroom when I have to pee. So yes." I rolled my eyes.


We all carried bags to Em's car to help her load. Some stuff was heavy, but we did want to say good bye.

"Please promise I will come back to all of you guys alive." Emily begged, putting the last bag in the trunk and closing it.

"We promise." All five of us said at the same time. Ashton and Michael showed up, but I didn't know them, o care for them. So there was me, Anna, Marisa, Michael, and Ashton.

"Okay, I hope so." Emily smiled, pulling us all in for a group hug.

Then she pulled away, got into the car and left. 

"Let's just hope that this promise doesn't get broken" I sighed, looking at the other four.

(If there are any grammar errors, ignore them.)

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