5: Run and Hide Until Goodbye

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Elizabeth's POV

My brother is such a bitch. He stole my candy, and broke my iPod. My iPod was brand new too. It made me so salty! My candy was special Japanese candy. It even had anime characters on it! It was mine!

"You ruin everything you touch! You broke my toy! It came out of the cereal box!" He yelled at me. He held his slinky in his hands. I didn't even know he had a slinky. How can I touch something that I didn't even know existed in the house?

"I didn't even know you had one you little brat! I can't break something if I didn't even know you had it!" I yelled in his face. He didn't like that at all.

"Just wait until I tell mom and dad what you did! The older siblings can't ever get away with anything! And I can always make mom and dad believe me." He smiled. I panicked a little. Every time he blames me for anything, I get punished. And ninety percent of the time, I didn't even do what he accused me of.

"Don't you dare you little brat!" I pouted.

"Mom! Dad! Guess what sissy did!" My brother yelled as he slapped my stomach and ran out of the room. Oh no!

"I didn't do what I am accused of!" I shouted as I ran out of the room.

As I got to the living room, my brother was there telling a whopper to my mom. He stood there crying, holding up his broken toy, and motioned to his arm about something. Why is he such a good liar? I want to be that good of a liar!

"Elizabeth Marie!" My mother shouted. What exactly did my brother say? "He said you broke his toy. And you hit him in the arm with a bat?"

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no! I am not going down for this one! This little brat has been lying about everything! I didn't break his toy, I didn't hit him, and he was faking those cries! He always lies about me doing something to him! But I never have! I have had enough of this! Why can't you just believe me?!" I yelled, my mom giving me this weird look.

"Elizabeth, stop with these lies. Now you are grounded. For a month. And I will take your phone. Now go to your room young lady." My mom sighed. Did she seriously ignore what I had just said?

"No! I have had enough of this shit!" I shouted, running out of the house. I really needed some space. If you lived in my house, you would definitely need some space. This is just a place of hell.

While running, I hadn't noticed I ran straight into a wooded area behind my house. There were scrapes from the branches of bushes on my arms, mud on my bare feet, and I had also run straight into a spiderweb hanging from a tree.

Clawing at my face to get the web off, I had nearly run straight into a tree. I had come very close. Missed the trunk by about half a centimeter. Hitting that tree would have completely screwed me up on what I was doing. The web was stuck to my face, my arms were a bleeding mess, my feet squished against the tiny pebbles on the ground, and my glasses had fallen off my face a while back. I was screwed.

Without my glasses, I couldn't see a single thing at all. I had to admit, I must be legally blind. How have I not killed myself yet? I am a danger to myself. Not to mention, if I can't see, how will I get back home? How will I find my glasses? I might as well forget it.

Sitting against a tree, I still felt the webs on my cheeks. That will be annoying to deal with. It's just sticky, and feels like hair. Can't it just fall off my face now?

After still struggling to remove the webs, I heard some bushes rustling. Someone, or something was close by.

I climbed up the tree I sat at, then squinted my eyes to try and see what made the noise. I still couldn't see, but I did see a black figure. What could it be?

A bear? A person? A wolf?

Whatever it was, I didn't want it to see me. Just know I want to be alone. So I just watched the figure go one by.

The figure happened to walk away, so I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Finally. Alone and peaceful. I like this."

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I realized I still had it. But the vibration wasn't just a vibration. It was someone trying to call me. So I answered it.


"Lizzie. Where are you? Please come home honey." Oh... It was my mom calling.

"Why the hell would I come back you old hag? To be punished? Forget it. I would rather be where I-" I immediately stopped. I saw a black figure heading up the tree.

"Lizzie? What happened?" I heard my mom speak.

I was climbing the tree with my phone in my hand. I was trying to avoid the figure, but I probably gave myself away.

Climbing up higher, I felt something rap around my ankle. So I kicked whatever was on me. No one needs all of that. But the more I struggled, the worse it got. The wrap got tighter and tighter. It was actually starting to hurt.

I pulled harder, but I had got pulled down by the wrap. Landing right on the hard ground, my back was extremely sore. All I could do was moan.

"Lizzie? Lizzie?! Speak to me!" It was mom still on the phone.

I went to respond, but the black figure hovered over me. There was a hint of white in the face area, it looked odd to me. What could possibly be happening?

"Mom- Gah!" I started to speak before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Not knowing what it was, I went to feel, but a hand pushed mine away.

"Don't you dare bitch!" The deep voice spoke. Then I felt my hands being tied together. Oh shit. "Also, blood is a nice color on this bitch."


Scrunching up my stomach, I felt a warm liquid there. Did I get stabbed? Was that what I felt? What's happening?

"Lizzie?! Lizzie?! Please speak to me baby! Lizzie?!"

"Gah!" I yelped, feeling a slice against my neck. After that, I could not speak anymore. The words wouldn't come out.

As I laid there, I could see a faint dark red thing spurting everywhere. It was blood.

"Nightie night bitch." The deep voice spoke. But then I got dragged on the ground. I couldn't move, but I did let our croaked moans. But I somehow still had the phone in my hands. And I am pretty sure all my mom could hear was those moans. The last thing I heard...

"No! Lizzie! I will call 911. You are going to be fine."

But she didn't know that 911 couldn't save me now. I was in the hands of a psychopath. Or a serial killer?

(Ignore my grammar errors.)

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