You really dont see them?

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Don't you see it?
Over there by the tree
Don't you see them?
But they're so pretty
their little wings sparkle
Their dresses made of flower petals
Their tiny faces are so entrancing
You really don't see them?
Hm how odd....

Who am I waving at?
The ocean of course
Yes I'm serious
She was saying hello
You don't hear her talking to you?
Her voice is deep and melodious
It puts my mind at ease
You can't hear her?
Oh how weird....

Why am I laughing?
You didn't see what she did??
Who? The lady over there
She's dressed in white
Her wings are so beautiful
They're grande and majestic
And they trail on the ground behind her
Like a wedding gown
She flapped her wings and made that guy's hat fall off
I love her laugh
You don't see her standing there?
That's strange....

Where's that voice coming from?
You don't hear it?
It's so pretty
It's so pure and clear and it lulls me to sleep
It's beautiful
It sounds like a symphony
You can't hear it ?
It's amazing
You really don't hear it at all?
That's a shame....

Don't ask any questions just get behind me
You don't see him?
He's standing in the mirror
His face looks corrupted
And his eyes are white as bone
His hands are cracked and mangled
His skin is deathly pale
Veins pitch black are spidered down his skin
He has no mouth
No heart
No soul
No food
He's getting closer
You really don't see him?

Then you better run

A glimpse of my mindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora