The thunder

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Do you hear that?
The thunder
They say the noise is the sound of Her heart breaking
They say the falling rain is Her tears when they cry
They say when She cries, She chokes on her sobs and the clouds thicken

When the lightning flashes Her heart has cracked
When the thunder booms Her heart has been broken
Her labored gasps when she tries to breathe through the sobs become tornadoes that cause chaos
The violent winds tear away at everything it touches just as her heart has been torn from Her
Her piercing wails become the hurricanes
Ripping buildings apart and trashing all in its path
Tsunamis appear as her tears fall harder
Crashing waves strike upon eachother
Each fiercer and stronger then the last
Her broken heart lays like a shattered sunken ship on the bottom of the sea floor
Wasting away becoming nothing more then a broken memory
She cries with her soul leaking out, escaping with the tears
"Sometimes there's so much sadness in your heart, it spills out through your eyes"

Only when the clouds depart will you know she has cried herself to sleep.
Sleep will dull the pain in her heart
The clouds will part and all is well
Except for Her

Sleep may dull the pain in her heart
But the dreams It brings will not
Her dreams are filled with nightmares
They haunt her
Torment her
In an endless battle of pain against It
For now when she wakes, the storm will be fiercer
While she sleeps her fear and hurt will continue to grow
It feeds on the nightmares like a scavenging animal
It eats away at her soul
Steals Her of Her happiness
Replaces it with nothing but sadness
In slumber or not She will continue to battle It
Forever losing to Her battle as Her heart is cracked and broken again

Do you hear that?
Do you hear the Thunder?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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