Pretty little birds

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A pretty little bird
One for me
And one for you
One in pink or red or blue
One for each time a tear was shed
One for each time I'd rather stay in bed
One for each time my heart was breaking
One for each time my hands were shaking

I'll make them when I'm sad or crying
Or when I'm stressed or feel like dying
These tiny birds they make me smile
They make me happy for a little while
But once again the happiness fades
And once again I'm in a daze
But even in my world of hurt
I manage to make this pretty bird

It's pretty wings and slender head
Instead of flying its sits here instead
It's small shape and form give me inspiration
As I shape these birds from my creation
If I'm full of stress or feel like dying
If I'm broken. If I'm crying
Still I make these pretty birds
Their tiny form suppress my hurt

my sweet little drop of joy

this small little paper toy

each crisp edge and fold

holding several secrets untold

This pretty little bird
holding stories unheard 
Of the broken and the breaking
Of the crying and the shaking
I'll make some more to fill your place 

I'll smile and wipe tears of my face

just one more pretty little bird

A glimpse of my mindМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя