Fallen star

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It was dark the night was calm , the only sound that disturbed the calm air was the crashing of the waves agents the cliffs, a lone woman ran across the ground her feet making no sound as she neared a hut. Knocking quickly a old woman wandered out. She was dressed in a dirty brown dress " mistress " the old  woman said in shock her green eyes wide " Anna we must speak inside " the woman said ushering Anna inside, pulling her hood off she entered " my son , the lord.... he has become even more cold. We must find him a wife! You are the village witch please , beg the gods! " Anna looked at her and felt the woman's pain " yes mistress I will summon my strength then try"

Two weeks passed a storm raged on through out the night pelting the ground and feeding the rivers, five men stood in a large hall speaking " my lord! The McFolys have been spotted on the north boarder" a man said in a hushed whisper his brown eyes watching his lord, the tall man standing infront of all them his cold blue eyes looking at them as he smiled slowly , a cold smile " saddle up boys we are going hunting " he said slowly walking twords the door. Once out side the rain soaked him in a matter on moments .by the time they opened the stable doors a bright flash of blue and red flashed through the sky sending something into the earth causing a loud smashing and crack to flow through the air. The men froze before running and grabbing their horses charging twords the sound.

Rain groaned holding her head . How wasted did she get last night? She slowly sat up realizing she was not in her room, she gasped looking around the woods her blue eyes wide.  She heard a thudding agenst the earth " is that horses? Who the fuck still uses horses?" She asked herself slowly standing rain felt a heavy drop hit her head " great I'm lost, and it's raining " she muttered looking around slowly walking forward gasping in pain as she stepped on a sharp rock crying out the fell holding her foot " mother fu-" she cut off hearing a yell , men yelling. Rain looked around fast her eyes wide before seeing a large black Stallion it's rider almost looked like he was from a book, or the heavens , his skin was slightly tanned glowing due to the rain, his black hair was cut short his blue eyes scanned the trees as he slowed his horse. His jaw she shivered his jaw was strong just like the rest of him. His broad shoulders where squared almost like he was ready for a fight at any moment his arms where huge. He was shirtless yet he had some strange pants and boots on. She rose her brow was he a hysterical activist? Why was he dressed like... her thoughts where cut off when his cold blue eyes found her his smile turning her skin to ice , he looked evil , mean , like a beast ready to kill her.

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