do not run

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Rain screamed as she was lifted off the ground " please sir let me go please" she cried as she was slammed agents a wall his deep blue eyes narrowed as her hands where pinned above her head by one of his. His chest heaved with anger as he clenched his jaw watching her closely

" the gods gave ye to me lass do ye not care?" he growled out making her flinch " im sorry sir please I don't want to be married " his eyes darkened at those words " ah lassie but do ye 'ave a choice?" he asked her raising a brow before he leaned in " let me tell ye ....nay ye doona have a choice" he growled before his mother chimed in " waryk you are scaring her !" she yelled

Waryk smiled slowly pulling her away " have a bath ran in my chamber" he said letting go of her wrists but grabbing her by the arm and hauling her towards the stairs " please no " rain screamed clawing at the mans arm making his grip tighter on her arm " let me go you bull!" she yelled making him stop right before the stairs

Rain looked up slowly " lass if you doona stop..... I will show ye just how much of a bull I can be" he snapped " I just wish to bathe and sleep, doona stop and we will go to bed but trust we willna be sleeping" he said lowly his eyes never leaving hers even after the tears flowed faster through her lashes " please im scared" she begged softly which only earned her a grunt as she was thrown over his shoulder as he took the stairs two by two

Rain gasped smashing her small fists down on his back " put me down you beast!" she screamed as she was carried through a maze of halls before she could hear him kick a door open the wood groaned with the force of the kick as he kicked it closed and threw her on the bed. Waryk turned shedding his cloths fast before he stepped into the steaming water. rain looked at the mans scarred back as he bathed " I will have a bath warmed for you tomorrow" the hulk of a man grunted

Before rain knew it she was curling up under the covers looking blankly at the wall biting he lip as her mind raced. She needed to escape but how? Hearing a splash of water she looked up seeing waryk drying himself off. His back was scarred showing just how much of a warrior he truly was, rain curled into a tighter ball as he turned to start a fire but once it was brought to life he turned twords the bed and laid down yawning " lass doona try anything idiotic I might sleep but I sleep lightly " he grunted. Does this hulking man ever talk with out grunting or growling rain thought to herself as she turned away staying silent as she closed her eyes. Before she could pretend to sleep darkness overtook her mind

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