The gods have spoken

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Rain stood up fast turning to run hearing the male behind her laugh, next thing she knew a strong arm wrapped around her waist pulling her up, the action ripping a scream from her throat as she struggled throwing her head back which earned her a growl as fingers threaded into her hair wrenching her head back agents his chest, rain gasped her eyes watered in pain as she looked up at the god like man as he watched her his eyes held something she could not understand as a voice rang out " sir ye are hurtin' 'er " the mans face looked to the left his eyes hardening once again before he let go on her hair and wrapped a arm around her waist keeping her hard agenst him , the man felt like he was made of steel. Rain looked down gasping when she saw she had a white dress on " what the fuck" she said softly to herself. " what?" The man behind her growled making her back stiffen. " n-nothing " she said quickly her mind trying to find a exit strategy as his other arm grabbed the main of the horse leaning forward as he turned the horse around. He kicked the horse into a run making her scream and clench onto his arm for dear life. The rain stung as it whipped agents her skin she shivered as her cold back pressed firmly on his chest. Before she knew it the horse stopped rains breathing became hectic as the man passed her to another, the blonde man grabbed her by the hips lowering her to the ground, her hands grabbed his shoulders as his green eyes looked into hers, he smiled making her heart flutter " my name is hue " he said his accent thick " what do they call ye?" He asked softly " rain" she said softly " aye 'tis raining but what do they call ye?" He asked again. Rain looked up at him biting her bottom lip" my name is rain" she said softly looking down hue opened his mouth the speak before her arm was grabbed making her gasp and look back , it was the beast of a man " rain ?" He asked his deep voice sounded skeptical " that canna be yer name" he said glaring. " it is! " rain said quickly trying to pull her arm free the fear filling her stomach. The mans grip tightened " hue..... the lass " he said not looking away from rain " what clan?" He asked looking up at hue his brow raised, rain looked between them the chill from the wind entering her skin , the man felt this sighing he pulled her into the hall " where am I?" She asked " my land" the unknown man growled pulling her towards the fire making her sit , he looked at her taking in her beauty, the rain made the dress see through her arms crossed across her breasts as she shook, her blonde white hair framed her face with curls, her lashes rested on her cheek when she blinked, her full red lips quivered as she fought back tears. She was his, he wanted her, he growled at his own thoughts " what clan are you from?" He asked making her jump looking up at him those tears over flowed " c-clan?" She asked her " I - I don't know... I don't remember" she said in a panic " waryk your scaring the girl!" A woman's voice came crashing through the doorway, a old woman walked forward " the fallen star!" She said her eyes lighting up as she ran forward " damn witch " waryk growled walking to the side " wake the mistress! Wake her!" Anna said to which waryk growled for someone to call upon his mother. The old woman took her cloak off wrapping it around rain rubbing her arms " the gift of a wife!" She said her smiled warm " gift?" Rain said her eyes wide. " your hands " the old crone said grabbing her hands looking at them as a woman walked in led by two males " mistress! The gods have sent him a wife look! The gods mark!" Anna said holding her hand up the dark crescent moon mark was on her thumb. Waryk raised his brow " gifted wife ? Sent by the gods" his mother stepped forward " yes he pleaded with the gods for a woman to show up ! And she fell from the sky ! Waryk son! She is the gods gift to you" waryk smiled " the gods have spoken " he said walking twords her making her scream as she jumped runnng for the door, the loud sound of the thudding of his feet made her panic as she ran faster her face paled as she felt strong hands wrap around her waist

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