oh no

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Rain stood at a large window overlooking the fields of colorful flowers "what am I to do? The wedding is tomorrow and I still can't find a way around the guards "she said to herself in the room biting her lip as she saw the beast himself riding home from his turn on guard. Rain felt like throwing herself in a never ending hole just to get away. It had been almost two weeks from the time she threw the heavy candle at the man. Waryk had been nice(ish) from that night forward but he often spoke of how the night of their wedding would go. She shivered at the thought of letting a man she did not know take her virginity and this god like man had every intention to do so. Rain looked back as she thought walking towards the large wooden door. Her eyes lit up she had found her way out, giggling she heaved the door open and skipped down the stairs knowing she could and she would escape. She would find her way to a town and she would find out who she truly is and where she came from, the old woman truly believed she came from the gods but there was no way she could have. With each passing day less and less of her true past she remembered but maybe she could find her family if she escaped, wait did she even have a family? She thought to herself, did she have a mother? A father? Maybe just maybe if she did they where freaking out looking for her... what if she was kidnapped and this man made her forget her past somehow, no he found her in the woods that can't be the case. Her mind was swimming with these thoughts as she walked down the hall.

Rain was lost in thought gasping as she slammed into a hard wall of a man, her eyes widened as she fell back feeling a large hand grab her arm pulling her up fast and hard slamming her right back into the chest. She almost screamed but the earthy smell surrounded her "WARYK YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME" she yelled pulling away to glare into his eyes. She heard a low chuckle draw its self from him as he looked down at her crossing his arms "lass ye threw yer self in my path, 'twas you that almost killed yer self" he said smirking down at her making her cheeks burn red as she ran past him "you truly are a beast "she yelled as she stormed off his booming laugh surrounded her, bouncing off the walls of the hall as she walked outside. She saw waryks men look at her as she walked out in her dark red dress smiling warmly as she smiled back and nodded stiffly as she walked towards the woods "my lady where is it ye're headin?" a tall older man named nigh asked walking to follow her "just for a walk Nigh" she said softly as she hit the tree line the man was right next to her "aye well tis not safe let me escort ye on yer walk miss" he said. Rain actually liked Nigh he was sweet and soft, she would have never guessed him a warrior till she saw just how cruel he could be to those that wished his kin harm. " okay sir you may" she said as she followed the path she knew so well, she often walked when she was scared or mad... which these past few days have been happening a lot. Rain looked over seeing Nigh sigh in content as he walked around his red hair tied back to keep it from his face " Nigh I am scared waryk is such a brute I don't know if I can handle him, he speaks nothing of love only reproduction, and I don't know this man! How am I to marry a man I do not know?" Nigh stopped when he heard what she said causing her to stop a few steps later and look back at him. He looked at her as he bit his lip and started to walk again "ye canna see it?" he asked softly not looking at her which confused her "see what?" she asked looking ahead. "Lass, ye have changed the man, he was named the beast for a reason he was cold. He knew no love, no happiness, no kindness, if ye would have thrown a candle at him three months ago man or woman... he woulda killed them" rain stayed silent biting her cheek. Why did everyone keep bringing up that damned candle! She only threw it at him because he was being a butt face!" but from the time we found you..... He has changed him smiles... he laughs.... He jokes...he talks of ye fondly not about yer body but yer soul, yer fire, her eyes, yer smile" Nigh smiled looking at her " ye have saved the beast from himself... ye have awoken a sleeping heart miss" rain looked up at him and she felt her eyes tear up her lip quiver. No she could not leave him.... He never hit her, he picked on her yes but she picked on him... he was not as mean and cold as when she first arrived. Rain sniffled "thank you Nigh" she said as they walked.

For the rest of the time they walked they laughed and spoke of their customs and what to expect on their wedding day. But after about an hour of walking they turned back almost home when Nigh stopped turning his head hearing hooves behind them... he saw red and dark green plaid " McFloys " he growled deeply grabbing her arm as he started to run dragging her behind. " what are you doing! Nigh! Please im going to" she screamed as she was plucked from his grasp screaming and reaching for him as a tall light haired man smiled evilly at him " good day nigh!" he yelled as he spun his horse around taking the screaming and crying woman with him. "NO! DAMN IT! YOU RING KISSING BASTERED" Nigh screamed helplessly before he ran back "McFloys! McFloys took rain! Jared McFloy has rain!" he screamed as he entered their town huffing as the men paled " fetch waryk" he huffed out before a stable boy ran inside. Of all the McFloys why Jared... the sick demon of a man who killed and beat people for fun, why did it have to be the twisted brother to snatch her away?

Waryk was in his study when his door was thrown open making his dark eyes snap up to the boy "Nigh and rain went on a walk sir! And" waryks voice cut him off " I trust Nigh he would never hurt her" he snapped making the boy flinch and look down " Nigh is gathering the men Jared McFloy and his men took rain" now this made him stand and run from the room down to the court yard. He took the steps three at a time. No not Jared the gods would not be that evil. Please not Jared. His stomach started to twist in fear he never told her how he felt. How when he found her in the rain he fell in love right away, how he wanted nothing more than to protect her scared shivering form from anything and everything, how her smile made him want to smile, how her light made him feel warm inside, almost like he could be a better person just so she would smile more.... He never got to tell her how he felt like a young man picking up a sword for the first time again. How the very thought of her made his heart flutter in happiness laced with nervousness, how when he turned from her it was to hide the blush rising up his face when he would catch her eyes studying him. God damn it he cursed himself for being a fool, he looked at his men only about forty where gathered "here is my plan" he started god he hoped it worked to

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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