Jealous of New Guy

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Bailey POV

Ughhh it's a school day, I quickly got up and looked at the time, 6:00 a.m., well I have an hour to get ready, I took a shower dried my hair and picked my outfit for today

Once I was satisfied with how I looked I made my way to school. I decided to walk to just clear my mind and just think. And it was a nice day so I would love to just enjoy nature for a while. Before I knew it I was at school. I saw Tati putting things in her locker. Good thing my locker was right next to hers.

"Sup Girl" I said

"Hey" she replied

"I was thinking today after we finish our homework, we should totally go to the mall" she suggested

"Yeah sounds like fun" I said

The bell rang which meant that first period has started, Tati and I walked into class and we took our seats which was in the front, the teacher always came in late so we always talked and just chilled for a while,

"So which one?" Tati asked
I looked at her confusingly because I had no idea what she was even talking about

"What" I said with a confused face

"Sean or Kenneth" she simply said

"What about them" I said

"Bailey Bailey Bailey, isn't it obvious that they both like you" she said

"Not even Tati" I said

"But like anyways which one you want" she said

"Well it's pretty hard because I like them both but I think I would have to go with-" but before I could finish what I was saying I got cut off

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here" some voice said. Tati and I turned to look at the figure and he was a tall boy with a nice jawline and his hair was amazing. He's pretty cute.

"Yeah sure" I said

"Thanks and by the way my name is Julian" he said while sticking out his hand. I gladly shook it and said "My name is Bailey and this is my friend Tati"

Julian is actually a pretty good guy and he's funny and he's actually a dancer, the teacher wasn't here yet so we told him to dance for us, he played the song Bad and Boujee and he was amazing like literally, Tati and I cheered for him and he became our new friend. I noticed that he was always staring at me and I didn't mind it, he started flirting with me by getting kinda close snd saying nice things to me and everytime he did I would blush, I didn't mind because I thought he was cute, a nice guy and I kinda liked him too. Well our teacher finally came and started teaching and after class we exchanged numbers with Julian and we also asked him if he would want to go to the mall with us and he gladly accepted it and then we went to our second period class but unfortunately Julian had a different class.

After about two more periods it was break and we saw Julian so we went up to him and we just hung out for the rest of break and he told some funny jokes.

"Ok, Why did Waldo wear striped shirts?" he said

"Uhhh I don't know" Tati and I said

"Because he didn't want to be spotted" he said and started cracking up. Tati and I joined because it was actually pretty funny and his laugh was contagious and made us wanna laugh too, that was one thing I liked about him, he had an amazing smile. Good thing we all had next period together which was art. We walked in class all laughing and everyone looked at us.

"What are y'all looking at" Tati said while putting one hand on her hip, everyone immediately turned around and started talking to their friends,

"Mhhmm that's right" Julian said sounding sassy and putting one hand on his hip while the other hand made a "Z" in the air while he snapped his fingers, We laughed at his gesture and we sat down at an empty seat. Our teacher told us to get into partners and all of us begged if we could be a trio and the teacher said yes so she told us to paint things that would be in our partners rooms, I did Julian's room, Julian did Tati's and Tati did mine, after I was done I thought I should do some fun things so I painted a "water bottle" which was actually a condom and I started laughing, Julian looked at my painting and his eyes widened at the sight of the condom and started laughing and then Tati saw and joined in, Julian decided to paint a red lace bra in Tati's room and then Tati painted a dildo in my room and we all started laughing, the teacher told us all to stop painting and that she would walk around the room and observe all our paintings, once she walked towards us, all of us tried to hold in out laughter,

"Ohh very interesting" she said sounding very unsure

"Yes it took us a very long time" Tati said and then we couldn't hold it anymore, we all bursted laughing and we tried to cover it up by pretending to cough but that didn't work very well

"Ok ENOUGH!!You all have detention tomorrow, don't you think that I don't know what all that stuff is" she said and walked off, All of us smiled and packed our bags because the bell was about to ring for lunch. When we got our food we decided to introduce him to Gabe, Sean, and Kenneth, we spotted them sitting at a table and we went towards them

Sean POV
Once I got to school I went to my first class, Gabe, Kenneth, and I were just talking and I was staring at Bailey who was talking to Tati and all of a sudden and tall guy walks up to them and he sits down, Gabe and Kenneth turn their attention to them and we were observing the guy, then he got up and played the song Bad and Boujee the girls were cheering for him and I got jealous, I noticed he kept staring at Bailey and he made moves on her and I held myself from going over there and I could tell that Gabe was pretty jealous too because this guy was making Tati laugh and if you didn't already know he likes her. Everytime he made a move on Bailey, she smiled and I got more jealous, I noticed Ken getting tensed up when he made a move and that had me thinking, Does Ken like Bailey too? Ughh I shouldn't worry about that right now, I should worry about the guy that is making my dream girl laugh and smile. Then the teacher came and they stopped and I couldn't stop looking at the guy who kept looking at Bailey. Finally the bell rang and I saw them exchange numbers. Then he left to a different class. The next periods past and the guys and I were goofing around on a bench and we saw that guy again, he looked lonely and we were gonna go up to him but then we saw Bailey and Tati going up to the guy again and for some reason we just turned our entire attention towards them and everytime he talked the girls would always laugh and then the bell rang and all of us had art class including Bailey, Tati, and this guy whos name we still don't know. We went to class early and we were just talking until we heard laughter filling the room, everyone turned theie heads following the laughing and it was coming from the girls and that guy. I swear this guy is getting on my nerves. I was snapped out of my thought when Tati yelled " What are y'all looking at" everyone quickly turned around and I saw the guy do a weird hand gesture and the girls started laughing. Anyways the teacher came in and said that we have to get into partners and paint what we think would be in our partner's room. Gabe and I were partners and Kenneth was partners with some guy named Josh. And we saw that the teacher let the girls and that one guy be a trio and anyways I painted a navy blue bed with some white pillows which Gabe actually has in his room because I have been there and he also had a desk with a conputer and a walk-in closet and he also had blue walls, with a couch. And I was done, the teacher said she would walk around and check all of our paintings, she went towards Gabe and I and said that our painting were great. She then walked towards Bailey, Tati and the guy and she had a weird face on then Tati said something and they all started laughing and it sounded like they were trying to cover it up by making it sound like they were coughing but they did a horrible job. Then the teacher yelled and said they had detention tomorrow like the fuck what is this guy doing getting my girl in detention well not my girl but like the girl I like. We all left to go to lunch and then Tati and Bailey with the guy went up to our table.

"Hey guys" Bailey said

"Hey" we all replied

"This is our new friend Julian and he is new here" said Tati

Oh so his name is Julian, interesting...
"Sup Julian" we said
"Hey" he said

"We heard you guys got a detention huh?" Gabe said sounding a little sternly

"Uhh yeah we were kinda painting some bad things in art class" Bailey said

"What kind of bad stuff" said Kenneth

"You know the occasional bra, condom and a dildo" replied Tati

"Wait what?!?" we all said while coughing on our food

"Yeah, it was a good laugh" Julian said while looking at Bailey

"Yeah it was" she replied

We all ate and talked and I have to say this Julian guy isn't that bad he's actually pretty funny. And then a couple of more periods passed by and then we all were at the front on the school and we were saying bye to each other. We found out the girls were going to the mall and they were also going with Julian. Huh? He better not try anything.

Sorry for any mistakes. Well what do you think will happen at the mall? Find out next chapter... Well see y'all laterrrrr BYEEEEEEE

The Start Of Something New (Baiken, Seailey, And Gati )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat