Chapter Six - Dinner With The Chapmans

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We got to my dads Brooke looked amazing but yeah i like her that's why i bailed her out when she see's Sam she going to be so happy and Sam is i can tell she miss him loads. we pulled up and we saw Beth, my Dad, Garry, Tim, Bonnie Jo, Justin, Cecily, Lyssa, Abby, Travis then i looked over at Sam his face was so happy he ran to her Brooke just started crying full on i could tell they missed each other loads. they just hugged each other good job Brooke put on waterproof mascara so it didn't run down her face.


Oh my god Sam I've missed him so much he ran to me crying as i cried he's gotten so big and handsome but i couldn't help but wonder why he was here  Beth's face was happy.

"I've missed you so much Sam how come your here"  I said with tears down my face 

"Beth and Dog let me live with them while you were in jail because all the stuff I've been through they couldn't see me go into care they said" Sam explained

"Thank you sooo much you don't know how greatful i am" i said to dog and beth and went up to hug them.


When Brooke saw Sam her face lit up she started crying i love seeing people happy then i could tell she wanted him back but i knew she wasn't going to risk it just yet. then we ate dinner and had a nice chat Sam was playing with Garry Bonnie Jo and Travis.

"Beth could i have a chat with you" Brooke asked

"Yeah sure come in here" i said taking her to my office

"Okay i really love Sam and i want him back but i don't think i could handle it yet I've just got out maybe in a few month's" she said 

"yeah we'll keep him till you feel ready have him back ill tell big daddy" i said

"hey whats up" Leland said as he walked in 

"Sam's staying here for a few month" i said

"Okay" Leland said

so they walked out together laughing and talking i could tell they like each other but i wasn't going to say anything Leland's single so is Brooke. then it was time for the kids to go to bed it was 9. 

"Come on kids time for bed" I shouted they all come in and Sam said bye to Garry and bonnie and Abby and Travis like he was going back with Brooke

"Listen Sam your going to stay here for a couple more moths till I'm completely clean okay" she said with sadness in her voice 

"But i thought you came to get me back" Sam said 

"i will get you back i promise" she said

"Will you take me to bed then and sing the song you always sing to me" Sam said

" Come on then"

when they went upstairs i looked over at Dog and he looked like he was thinking of something. then we heard quiet singing coming from up stairs it was really good.


When i found out Brooke wasn't taking me back i felt like crying but i didn't when we went up stairs and she sang me a song to get me to sleep.

Little Brother,

I Remember when you first came home,

then another, little brother of my own,

Even when you brake my toys,

you will always be my,

little brother,


your younger,

we're related,

even when your making to much noise

you will always be my,

little brother,

were related, and your boys

Little brother,

Little brother, 

Little brother,

I Love you Sam 

then she said i love you sam and kissed my forehead and left a tear on my cheek and walked away i wonder when I'm going to see her again.

I was a fugitive -Leland Chapman&Justin Bihag-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt