Chapter Eleven - MYLES

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Today i woke up and Brooke was still asleep so i went out into the living room and Justin was on the sofa just sitting there not saying a word holding a hat that i remembered was Chelsea's

"How could she turn that quick they were best friends then Chelsea just turned to hate her because you came and got her out before Chelsea" Justin said as i took the hat and put it in the bin

"I don't know but I've found out what Care home Myles is in and I'm going to take Brooke to see him" i said Justin just looked at me like 'you think that's a good idea' face i just nodded.

"Hey guys" Brooke said coming out of the bedroom 

"Morning babe" i said going over to her and kissing her forehead

"so are you two together" Justin said

"Yep" Brooke said

"I knew it" Duane Lee shouted coming out of the bathroom. 

"so you gonna go see Myles today" Duane Lee said after Brooke went into the shower

" yeah I've asked dad" i said.


How could Chelsea turn that fast she was so nice a month ago then she goes and hates Brooke just for getting out of jail first i can tell she's going to go back onto ice and everything. and Leland was taking Brooke to see her little boy Myles. 


Today Leland said he was taking me some wear and i had to wear something nice but not too fancy so i went in the shower and got dressed then i walked out and Leland looked at me and smiled. and we left to go in the car to a mysterious place. 

"So where are we going" I asked

"Secret" he said with his cheeky little grin

"Hint" i said

"Full of kids" he said

"are we going somewhere with Cobie and Dakota" i asked

"Nope but don't hate me or walk off when we get there" he said

" i wont" i said as we pulled up i looked out the window and we was at a big children's home 

we walked up to the door and knocked on it Leland grabbed my hand and a middle aged looking man opened the door and then smiled and opened the door. and let us in and told us to go to the office. some girl shouted " A Bounty Hunters Here" and then went up to Leland and asked him who he is going to catch Leland said no one she looked upset then walked upset. when we walked into the office and a teenage woman was there.

"Gemma this is Mr and Miss Chapman" The middle aged man said

"Oh yes ill go and get him" the teenager named Gemma said

"What does she mean she will go and get him"

"Don't worry" Leland said. Just then a little boy that looked like this -   walked i noticed him straight away it was MYLES I tried not to cry.

"Brooke this is Myles" Gemma said

"I Know i recognised him straight away" i said

"Your the bounty hunter's that are on TV i haven't been a bad boy have i Gemma" Myles said panicking

"we know but this is your mum" Leland said pointing to me

"Your my mum" My little boy said

"Yeah" i said

"Prove it" He said crossing his arms 

"Dyno or Dynamite" i said easily

"you are my mum" he said shocked. then he ran up to me and hugged me i was shocked i didn't know what to do so i just hugged back and let the tears fall.

"So are you my dad" He said to Leland

"No i have two of my own boys called Cobie and Dakota" Leland said

"So who's my dad" Myles asked

"Listen Myles i don't think your mum wants to talk about that"

"Its okay he will find out anyway" i said

"Myles 9 months before you was born. i walked down a dark ally because it was a short cut home so i walked through it but this night was different to any other night i was near the corner of it and i got raped and then when you was born i just saw his face through yours and it just hurt me so i gave you to social workers to have you and they brought you here. then after you went i sadly got onto a drug called Ice but I'm clean I've been living with Leland for about 2 moths and i haven't touched it since and I'm proud I'm off it for good." i said with tears down my face

"So you didn't want me" Myles said

"I didn't plan on it but when you was born i was happy i did want you" i said

"so why did you bring me here" Dyno aka Myles asked

"i couldn't cope i was only 18" i said

"but you want me back" Dyno asked

"Yes of course i do and I'm going to do everything i can to get you back and that's a promise" i said looking at Leland he nodded

"Can you be my dad so i have one" Dyno asked Leland i could tell he was happy and he smiled and looked at me

"Yes ill be your dad" Leland said

then it was time for us to go i said bye to Myles and the others i was going to take him to meet Dog and beth and the rest of the gang tomorrow i was exited and i could tell Leland was happy with Dyno asked Leland to be his dad. we got in the car and waved good bye.

"Thank you Leland" i said

"For what" he asked

"Taking me to see Dyno and he respects me and you" 

"Its okay i knew you missed him" he said.


So i just met my mum she seemed nice and i have a dad I'm happy i actually have a family and I'm going to meet the rest of the family tomorrow and there the bounty hunters off TV after they left i ran to the living room were everyone was they were watching Dog The Bounty Hunter. and that was my family on TV then i saw My mum her name is Brooke she was shouting at this other girl. 

"i can defend myself down dark ally's at night" The girl shouted

"shut the  up Chelsea" My mum screamed 

"so i dont get raped and have a baby then put it in care i bet Myles is better of with out you anyway" The girl screamed. they was arguing over me.

I was a fugitive -Leland Chapman&Justin Bihag-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن