Chapter Seventeen - Oh Hey

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When i got back with baby Lyssa with the kids they all went to watch TV then i got a text off a random number i was confused and Lyssa saw and just laughed then screamed.

"Whats up" I asked 

"Brooke's alive she's awake and talking but told Leland to go get a shower because he Smell's" She said laughing at the last part 

"Yay" I said as i read the text from earlier.

To: Justin!!

From: UnKnown

Hey its me from the club last night remember. from Dezzi

To: Dezzi

From: Justin!!

Oh Hey Yh i remember


From: Dezzi

Want to meet up



Cant looking at the min babysitting my auntie and uncles kids



In a bit then maybe



Yeah sure 

Then when i finished texting Everyone came walking through the door apart from Sam and Leland so i guessed they were with Brooke  I wanted to go and see her i wonder if she's okay. and they were talking to beth so i guess she's apologised.

"So how is she?" I asked

"She's good first she completely went then we all did a prayer and she came back to life then Leland went in first then he came running out because Brooke told him that he stinks and he needs a shower or she wont hug him so he ran home then ran back and they hugged long then Beth said sorry and were all good now" Duane Lee explained

"Can i go see her" I asked

"Id leave it for tonight and go tomorrow she's tired" Uncle Dog answered. so then i went home.


When everyone went Sam wanted to stay so he was laying next to Brooke and i was sitting down holding her hand then there was a knock at the door so i got up and saw Gemma and Myles.

"Hiya Myles wanted to see if his mum was okay i told him she will probably be sleeping but he insisted" Gemma said

"Its fine" I said

"Daddy is mummy better yet" Myles asked

"Yea she's doing better go over to her if you want"  I said and he ran over to her and hugged her i was still getting used to him calling me daddy but it was good.

"He hasn't eaten since the accident or even come out of his room " Gemma said

"Seriously its been 2 months" I said

"Seriously" she said

When Gemma and Myles left i was about to take Sam home when the doctor come in and did some tests on Brooke and smiled we was confused.

"How are you feeling Brooke" The doctor said

"I'm feeling normal" She said 

"Well your good to go home if you want" He said and Sam shouted yay.

"Yeah i would love to go home" 

"Well i will leave you to get ready and go home" The doctor said we were all so happy.


When the doctor said i could go home i was so happy i could actually get out of this stuffy room and this hospital gown i went in the bathroom and changed into the clothes Leland brought me and i walked out and Leland took my bag and we went home after Leland took Sam but we told him don't say nothing about me he said he wont then when we got home Duane Lee saw me and started running to me.

"Brooke Brooke your home" He said hugging me

"Thanks..i...cant....breathe" I said

"Sorry I'm so happy your home" Duane Lee said

"Okay I'm happy as well and I'm going bed" I said and walked into bed and fell straight to sleep 

I was a fugitive -Leland Chapman&Justin Bihag-Where stories live. Discover now