Natsu Great First Impression

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Natsu's POV:

The two men knocked an a door in a tall tower, with me behind them.

"Come In!!" Called out a rough voice from behind the door.

The two men that called themselves Izumo and Kotetsu slowly opened the door and led me inside the office, where behind a desk, an old man sat.

Izumo stepped sideways to reveal... Me.

Now, I know you're probably starting to question who "me" really is, but just give me a minute, okay?

The old man looked shocked to see me, like I was someone he knew.

Thinking that, a memory started forcing it's way into my head, as though I weren't supposed to think about such things.


Natsu! Akito!~ Dinner!!!" Our mother called for me and my brother.

"What's for dinner?" We asked, shoving our way into the kitchen.

"Beef ramen."


Why the hell did I have such a stupid flashback?


The Hokage an the two guard whatever people whispered to each other, humming like bees.

A beast's growl echoed through my head.

'Miyo, can you not wait, you impatient fuck?' I scowled at the wolf in my head. She growled, before a raspy voice stopped us.

"So, might I ask why you're here, Miss..?" He paused, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Natsu, No surname... Anyway, can I stay here? I promise not to cause too much trouble." I finish. 

The Old Man starred blankly at me.

"Might I ask about your parents, clan, if your a ninja, and why you feel to stay here?" He question. I nodded.

"Well, my parents are dead, so is my clan, I'm kinda a ninja and because I want to settle down, I guess." I shrugged. He looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry about your Clan and family. And We would love to accept you into our home, in one condition," I sighed. Seriously? A condition?

"If you join the ninja academy." I looked at Lord Hokage in shock while adjusting my guitar, nervously. Thinking on it lightly, I nod at him. Hey, It could benefit me.

I could at least give it another shot.

"Great! Now since I will have to find you a house, do you mind staying at our INN for a few days? I'll pay the rent for your new home and the cost for the INN." He finished, while smiling warmly.

"Yeah? That's great! Thank you so much.... Lord Hokage." I smiled with some excitement, blushing happily.


After I was taken to the INN by Izumo, I watched him leave and had checked the place out, so I decided to go check out the town, and find where the academy is, so I'm not searching in the morning.

Before I left, I changed into a white tank top like shirt with a little pink ribbon in the center of the v-neck part and at the bottom of the shirt was Light green frills.

I also wore a short, light pink layered skirt, with one white stocking the went up to my mid thigh, and a stripped green and white stocking that went up to my knees.With Red flowers in my hair, near my wolf ears, and wore pink head phones around my neck.

((A/N: The wolf ears and tail are side effects from the demon sealed inside her, just like how Naruto has whiskers and the personality of pranking/Tricking.))

I walked around the town an got many stares. I hear from many that I am rather good looking, but I'm always self-conscious.

I'm not good at people.

As the moon started to rise, I decided it was about time to return to my room when I was startled by 4 drunken men.

"Well aren't you a little babe." They all looked my way as I stood near a wall, looking at the ground.

There's no avoiding them.

I brought my gaze from off the ground, when I heard their footsteps coming my way.

"Hey, pretty lady... Come for a drink with us." One of the guys said. I gave them a warm smile, though I was frightened.

"Sorry Boys, but I have a Loooong~ day tomorrow and just want sleep tonight." I said while still smiling. But my smile dropped as they grabbed me and pinned me against the wall I was leaning on.

"Don't say that, little girl. We may not be your type but you sure are ours." Another one said.

I couldn't help but tear up. I was scared! I just... Have to act tougher!

"Yeah, well then you pedophiles are in for a treat." I sneered, trying to act sinister.

I forced my tears down and was going to try using a jutsu on them when A blue and white flash took the drunks own at once.

I smile, relieved and walked up to the boy with onyx eyes and spiky black hair.

Quickly, I noticed the Uchiha sign on the back of his blue shirt, the last Uchiha, other then Itachi of the Akatsuki. So the second Uchiha.

"Thanks Uchiha." I patted his shoulder.

The boy turned to face me while the drunks were out cold and the town was silent from it being so late.

The boy looked shocked that I noticed he was an Uchiha, so I pointed out the obvious.

"The Symbol on your back, And by the way, I'm Natsu." I smiled at him as his shock faded to a poker face.

My smile grew wider. Just like I've heard Uchiha's to be!

"I really appreciate your help! I was about to use some ninjutsu to get my way out of that mess, ehe." I sweat-dropped.

"Hn, I'm guessing your a Ninja too, then? You going to the Academy?" He asked.

I stared into his eyes and replied "Hn," while smirking.

He had a confused expression, and I bursted out laughing.

After I finished laughing, Sasuke helped me up, wrinkling his nose at me.

"What I meant was," I started answering his question. "... Yeah I am, for both, I start tomorrow, actually." 

"So, you play guitar? Play for me. I saved you, after all." He said, staring at me.

"Yeah, and I sing!" I smiled, noticing his longing glance at my guitar.

I grabbed his wrist and led him to a clearing through some trees and to a little river bank, and played him a few songs, before we walked me home.

I have to say, I'm impressed.







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