Wk1, D5: Mom Drama

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(So, before we begin, I would like to remind you all the names and personalities of your Oc's mom.

Phoebe; Gloria - She is loud and defensive, causes drama.
Whitney: Amber - She thinks her kid is better than everyone else.
Ryleigh: Ashley (I changed bc of Emmaleigh and how we call her Emma) - She is quiet and rlly only is loud and defensive when bad things are said about her kid.
Emmaleigh: Cassie - Tries to make everything better, super optimistic.
Juliana: Lacey - Uptight b¡tch, picks on the kids except Juliana.
Maya: Sage - Super kind, makes everyone feel better.
Isabella: Jeniffer - Couldn't care less about her daughter, but sticks up for Whiney bc she is friends with Amber, Whitney's mom.
Ella; Lonnie - Super supportive.
Taylor; Jane - Doesn't give a crap about her kid or any.
Ariana; Brenda - Mean, yells a lot.
Harley; Raine - Pressuring towards the success of her daughter.
Scarlett; Diana - Cares about everyone, but mostly Scarlett.

So there is mother info!)

Elite mom drama:

"Whiney deserved her solo!" Amber shouted.
"Everyone shoulda gotten one too! Whitney is no better than Emmaleigh!" Cassie said.
(Continue. Make the other moms jump in too!)

Meanwhile, with le mini moms:

"Abby, you only pay attention to the elites!" Lonnie shouted.
"Yeah! Scarlett deserves more of a chance!" Diana yelled.
"No, I pay EQUAL attention to both teams!" Abby argued.
(And continue)


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