Ch. 4 - Comfort

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Angus's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was beating fast, and I was gasping for air. I noticed I was gripping my bed sheets extremely tight. Breathe in... and breathe out... I let out a long sigh. After I calmed myself, I decided to see if Gregg was awake. But when I tried to stand, I felt weak. It was like I couldn't stand up at all... "Hey, Gregg? Are you up?" After I called out, I hear shuffling. Gregg enters the room and climbs up onto my bed. He lays himself next to me, and asks "What's going on?" I sighed. "I can't get up." Gregg looks at me with sad, tired eyes. "Are you feeling okay?", he asked, with a concerned look on his face. "I'm just feeling a bit sick..." Gregg smiles, but only a little. As if he wants to let me know it's going to be okay... but it looks as if he's the one who needs a hug. I wrap my arms around his skinny, fluffy body, to reassure him. I don't know how or why, but for some reason, I think we both need comforting.

Gregg's POV

Angus's embrace felt good. I just wanted to stay in that moment, forever. Hugging in bed. Our worries and doubts no where near us, just him and I. I think I can work through this. I can do this. I know I can. With Angus with me, I can do anything. "Hey Angus?" His gaze shifts over to me, and he smiles. "Yeah, bug?" I blush. He looks more precious without his glasses... and with messy fur! I feel my cheeks become a deeper crimson. "I'm gonna work harder, okay?" I felt his arms gently squeezing me. "Okay. I believe in you, alright?" "Alright." I raise my paws into the air, and yawn as I stretch. "I'm going to get to work. I'll see you tonight, 'Kay?" I jump down from Angus's bed and grabbed a white T-shirt that was strewn across the floor. As I began to get dressed, I thought, I can do this. Because now I know I can. I can work harder and I will.

Angus's POV

I don't think I feel any better. In fact, I feel shittier. I might actually be sick... "Gregg? Can you tell one of my co-workers at the Video Outpost "Too" that I'm sick? Please?" I hear Gregg stepping into the bedroom. "Of course, Cap'n!"
I listen to him walking towards the door, but his footsteps stop. "Wait, one more thing!", Gregg yells. "Yeah?", I ask. "Love you." I felt my cheeks reddening. "Love you too."

*A couple of hours later*

I am going to assume that I am better, because I took some Advil. That really helped with the standing up situation, at least. I still feel sick though. Why now? I mean, I know winter is coming soon, but a fever/flu when it's still autumn? That's ridiculous. And I need to be working right now. The sooner I get paid the sooner we get out of here. I should have probably told Gregg that we almost have enough to move out. Wait, doesn't he get paid today? I think I feel even better. We'll be able to afford everything we need over at Bright Harbor. We could even buy more furniture, if we'd like! The thought of living in a nice apartment/loft with Gregg in Bright Harbor practically cured me. I bet we can move next, next week, after my second paycheck (With a larger amount of money). That would be amazing! You know what? Daydreaming in bed is a good way to take a break.

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