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I sat there on the pench and Niall sat next to me, I felt his stare on me.

"I lost it. I know I am sorry." i said to him and he looked down.
"It is okay, hiding things from you and pointing guns on your head. Everyone would act like that and Paul knew what he went for when he didn't stop Louis and Harry." Niall said and I looked away into horizon.
"What is it that Taylor even knows and I have no idea about?" I asked and he just let out breath.
"I am so sorry I can't tell you, at least not now. You need to calm down." he said and I looked at him.
"You too? I tought we were family?" I asked him and looked at him feeling messed up.
"It would be a lot for you to take in, not gonna let that happen to you." he said and then pushed the fallen hair behind my ear.
"I-i" I started, but words got stuck. I really was scared and didn't understand why was it all happening. I was scared of who I bacame out there, I lost it on Paul. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I looked away from him.
"Noell? Baby? Look at me, it is okay." he said as he raised my faceby my chin making me meet his eyes.
"It is not. I lost it on Paul. I am scared Niall, of what is going on and myself. I-i don't understand anything." I said crying and he pulled me into his hug.

As I cryed there I was thinking about how Tom, Jess, Liam and Abby had joked about me and Niall. Then I rembered how he was the only one to calm me down, only one who I could be with and feel relaxed. He was the one I trusted no matter what, even now as I lost it I looked for help from him and he was there for me. Even tho he seemed to be scared of me at first.

He softly pushed me back a bit and looked at me. His look was calming and comforting, he didn't feel sorry for me, but in that look there was something that made me feel better and just something you can not describe.

"It is alright. Paul knows you well, he knew what it was goinf to be the moment he told you no." he said to me and I nodded.
"I still feel bad about it." I answered to him and he pulled my legs over his lap and I had my head on his  chest. There was long silence, him just holding me.
"Rember when we talked about THAT and my answer was maybe one day?" I asked and he nodded as I looked at him. "Did you really ment what you said and asked?" I asked then.
"Now is not the right time to talk about it, comon lets get home now." he answered me and I looked at him. I didn't like it when I didn't get answeres. "I promise I will tell you soon when the time is right." he answered looking at me, knowing what I was thinking.
"Okay." I told him and smiled to him.

We got up and got going back to my house. As we got there I got off from my bike and went to my mum's garage. As I opened the door there was standing perfect car. I looked at it, knowing it was there ment that if needed I can use it.

I made my way back to house and as I got in, Niall was there. Had few beers, something to eat and blankets and pillows.

"Sleepover at my room?" he asked and I nodded.

That boy...How was I so lucky to have someone like him. I know I didn't lost control over myself often, but when I did he was there. He always got me back on right track, came after me if needed and took care of me. I helped him and he helped me. He was just perfect and adorable. I looked at him as he chose movie with admire. It was getting harder dah by day to bare me. I was messed up, hardly showed out any careing towards him and now it all was even worse as I got more messed up by the situation that was going on.

He was still here for me. I guess I should be better towards him and show him that I care, but I knew wha it ment. It ment, as hard as it was for me to admit, I had chouth feelings for him and they will get stronger if I getter softer around him. But he deserved it, he deserved the best.

"Niall?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Be honest please? I haven't been the best towards you lately right? Like I don't treat you right?" I asked and he smiled.
"When will you get it Noell? That you are the person who everyone would be lucky to have. You treat me better then anyone else ever has, so what that right now i5 is harder, you were there for me when I was in bad situation." he said and I smiled to him.
"Too perfect to be true." I wishpered as I cuddeled closer to him, he didn't react so I guess he luckily didn't hear it. With that we had so called sleep over and movie night.

Niall's pov.

The night had been eventful snd Noell was messed up. It was totaly normal, she was held in dark and she still tryed her best to not be afraid and keep it all toghater, ofcourse even a girl like her would explode.

"Too perfect to be true." she said and I smiled, but didn't say anything. She was my everything to hold on to. No matter what I would always want her safe and okay. What was going on right now, she didn't deserve it and it was all because no one had tell her anything. I kissed her on top of her head and we setteled now put to have calmer end for the night.

An: thank you for reading, comment, vote and recomend if you liked it.


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