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Noell's pov.

It was a long day and as I got back to my home, I parked my bike and took my helemt off. I walked in and as I got there my mum was sitting behind her computer and talking to someone on the phone. So she gave me light wave and I went to my room. I decided to take a shower before that I looked through my closet looking for comfroble hoodie. I went to take a shower and as I got out and dressed, I heard loads of yelling, shouting and things being smashed.

I ran out of my room and looked down to only see the worst thing ever. I made me weak from my knees and I was shakeing over my whole body. Nothi g came out from my mouth, no sound even though I tryed my best. And then my mum looked at me fear in her eyes and tears. I couldn't move, couldn't do anything, I was in total shock.

Seeing my dad pointing gun at my mum, being full of anger and evelness. All I heard was things that made it worse.

"You are my oponent!" he said to her rough, but with low voice.
"How could you do that? You knew all along didn't you?" my mum asked back from him.
"But ofcourse I did. I got always eyes on you and Noell. Thaks to Taylor and her mum." he said with evel laugh and I saw how my mum gave up in that moment.
"Noell, run now! Go!" she said and I stood there in shock not being able to move. "Go! You have to run he has no mrecy!" my mum yelled and I saw how my own dad looked up and smirked with so much evelness.
"Or you could join me." he said.
"No! What is going on????" I yelled tears brimming out of my eyes.
"Noell run now! Go to Paul and get out of here!" my mum yelled hystericly. "Your dad has lost it, he is nuts and not thinking stright run now!" she yelled and with that I listened to her againts my will.

I ran to my room and then I heard what I wished I never did. The bang, it filled the house, makeing my heart stop and wanting to go back. But then I heard his steps comming up, so I jumped out of my window and ran. Only thing I had was my phone and with that I called to ambulence. I told them where to come as I sat on my bike and tears runned down my cheeks uncontrolobly. I speeded stright to Niall's place, not careing about red lights or going too fast? My view was blurred and I was loseing it all.

As I got to Niall's place, the door was kicked in and my breath got stuck to my lungs. I ran in, looking around I found cold and empty house. I ran up to his room after gping through evee inch of his house. There was bit of a blood on the kitchen and I relised they weren't there. My tears rolled and rolled there was nothing that coukd stop them. I sat on the edge of his bed and there was a picture collage of us along with his gun in his shelf. I felt anger as I looked at the gun, I felt how I got filled with anger againts my dad, againts myself. And the I relised Taylor had said it will happen, I hated her. I tried my tears, took the pic and gun getting out of there.

For my next stop I got to Paul's place and as I knocked on his door, I relised that my hair were wet, only thing I was weaeing were jeans and hoodie that had bewn Niall's few moths ago. Paul came to the door and I pressed myself in and saw Louis and Harry there.

"We are leaving." I said and he looked at me.
"What to you meam leaving?" he asked.
"Now! We are leaveing now!" I said irritated and walked out to his garage.
"Noell what is going on." Louis asked running after me.
"Niall and Veronica are gone. We are going now!" I said calm and held back every emotion. Not that there was a lot to hold back, I didn't even feel anything anymore.
"Gone as in..?" he asked.
"Get others pack your things, we are leaveing in 5minutes." I said and started the car, getting few things, from Paul's garage that were my mum's and there were keys too.

Louis left to get others and I took the keys. They were for one house across the country, I planned on going there. Only me and my mum knew about it. They came soon and looked at me.

"Get in the car and after me." I said and walked to my bike.
"Won't you get cold with wet hair and just hoodie?" Harry asked.

I gave him sharp look and pulled my helmet on, getting on my bike. We all took off and as we hit the road, I was blank in my toughts. It all went over and over again. I visualised everything around me and looked at the cars to not see my dad. We passed my house and it was in flames, nothing to save and as it seemed even ambulence couldn't do anything. I just drove past it and we hit the road all night long. As the sun started to rise we got to the house and I got off my bike. Takeing my helmet off and Paul, Louis and Harry were right after me.

"Where are we?" Paul asked.
"Why did we have to leave with rush?" Louis asked.
"What is going on?" Harry askef and I just looked at the house.
"Who else of my friends is included in all that? Liam knows?" I asked not careing about their questions.
"Liam knows and so does Trisha, with Abby and Josh." Paul answered.
"Get them." I said and with that I walked into house.

The end!

An: Thank you all so much for reading my story. It is over now and there will be part two to this story, which will be called "Now" . Let me know what you think of it and should I make the second book too? Also hope you all enjoyed. Love you all and thank you for being there with me through that book.


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